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 an update that is long overdue...




Taking Luke to the city for Christmas Eve turned out to be quite a great idea. We did everything and anything that he wanted to do from simply walking around the city streets to going ice skating. It was really fun, I gotta admit. Luke turned out to know nothing about ice skating despite being the one who wanted to do it, and I had to teach him. But it was my pleasure to do so.

Also, what I was really happy about the whole time we spent in the city was seeing him genuinely smiling and laughing. I just really wanted to distract him from everything that has happened recently, even just during Christmas.

I just really couldn't stand seeing him in pain and sorrow, despite him trying his hardest to just keep it all in. I know he doesn't want to make himself to just always feel sad so he just acts as if nothing's wrong every day. He's smiling and doing the things that he needs to do. He's even acting happy all the time as if nothing is bothering his mind. Maybe he's doing that as a favor fo himself or maybe he didn't want me to see him always sad.

But at night though, things are different. He lets it all out. I wake up alone on the bed in the middle of the night every night since we got back. I always find him in the living room, on the couch, pulling knees up to his chest and sobs silently. The scene always breaks my heart very much.

So I thought, I needed to do something for him to make him forget for a little while. Well, it worked and it was also a huge relief.

But the thing is that the city trip was also kind of a "decoy" as I also have something else for us. Well, mainly for Luke as it's a surprise I have prepared for him.

Calum helped me come up with the idea. He did call me back the next day after we last talked and he helped me plan everything for Luke and I's Christmas celebration. Although I only had a few days to set it up, I was able to pull everything together. Well, with the help of some other people, including Michael and Niall, despite still being in Thailand and Ireland, respectively.

"So, where are we going for dinner?" Luke asked as we both walked towards our car after our ice skating adventure.

"Well, someplace nice and familiar," I told him with a smile. "You're already hungry, aren't you?"

"Who wouldn't be? After that whole ice skating sessions we had and multiple falling on my ass."

I chuckled at what he said and before I can say anything, he continued, "But it was definitely fun and I enjoyed it, despite the possible bruise that I'm gonna get."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it though," I said as we both got into the car.

"I really did as well as everything that we did today," Luke smiled brightly as he settled in his seat. "I also loved every place that we went to, even if I am more than familiar with every place in this city. It's just that coming here with you, especially in this time of the year feels different, you know? It's like it is making me see all those places differently and all in a really good way."

I smiled at him sincerely in response before I leaned in and caught his lips in a kiss which he more than gladly accepted. As we pulled away, I immediately pulled out of my parking space and got onto the road.

"You know, right now, I'm kinda feeling nervous yet curious," he commented from his seat as we drove our way out of the city.

I glanced at him and quickly turned my attention back on the road as I asked, "Why are you feeling that way?"

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