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I kinda wrote 2/3 of this chapter after I posted Chapter 34 but I had to stop writing it for work reasons, so when I continued writing it last Friday I kinda am lost with some things but I hope I was still able to write it well enough for this Chapter. Enjoy! :)

[a/n: a little reminder...I may have gotten some scenes in this chapter inaccurate or incorrect, especially when it comes to medical/hospital operations and police investigation procedures/crime law-related information and stuff.]


"Ten, nine, eight..." Ashton and I could hear the countdown outside as some of the hospital crews and some patients have agreed on doing the New Year countdown.

The both of us just stayed inside Ashton's room and just watched the televised celebration in Sydney on TV. I didn't let Ashton get out of bed yet because I'm scared that he might hurt himself if he moves a lot. He listened to me anyway and said that he preferred to stay in bed with me. It was sweet though and I appreciate him listening to me. I really do because it tells me that he takes care of himself as well.

"...three, two, one! Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered. We can hear the people outside, the sounds of the fireworks in the city, and of course, how Ashton whispered in my ear, "Happy New Year, baby."

I smiled at him and immediately caught his lips in a kiss. Our first kiss for this year. Our first New Year's kiss.

"I love you," I told him sincerely.

"I love you."

I couldn't help but smile then went in to kiss him again which he more than gladly returned.

"This is perfect," I whispered against his lips.

"Well, you are perfect."

I quietly chuckled as I pulled away a bit just enough to his face, and then said, "Seriously though, even if we weren't able to celebrate New Year as how we planned it but I wouldn't trade being with you here now with anything."

"Being here with me on a hospital bed?" He asked with a smirk.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Don't ruin it," I told him with a smile.

He lightly chuckled, "Okay. I'm sorry. Go on."

I smiled at him again then continued, "Well, what I meant to say is that being with you now and having our first New Year's kiss while silently celebrating New Year's together, for me, is still the best way I could ever celebrate this holiday because I am with you and that's what matters most to me. I really won't have it any other way."

He stared up straight into my eyes with his colorful ones. He smiled up at me with a very sincere, happy smile. That smile that reaches his eyes and just looks so beautiful. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I stared back at him.

I couldn't even describe how I feel at that exact moment as he looks at me with those big hazel eyes. I couldn't even believe anymore that they were the same exact eyes as those that used to be so emotionless and dark. But now, they are so colorful and despite being in a hospital right now, they looked so alive.

"I fucking love you so much, Ashton Fletcher Irwin, and I'm just so fucking lucky that I was given the opportunity to meet you, be with you, love you, and be loved by you," I softly told and every word was wrapped with sincerity.

Ashton gave me the sweetest smile and he leaned in again, kissing me deeply. "Wow. What you said was just so intense with that cursing, and damn, that was just so hot and so romantic at the same time. I love you so fucking much," he told me after, making me laugh.

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