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So, basically, the rest of the story was supposed to be in Luke's P.O.V., but when I was about to write this chapter, I just made an on-the-spot-decision of putting this in Ashton's P.O.V. I hope I made a right decision, tho...

Enjoy! :)


I waited outside the building of Luke's last class for today. I looked at the time and he has a good 10 minutes left for his class to be over.

I took a last drag of my cigarette then threw it on the ground stepping on it. I leaned against the hood of my car and pulled my phone out of my pocket, sending Luke a text.

Me: Hey, baby, I'm outside.

I instantly received a reply.

Luke: Ok, babe. ❤

A smile immediately went its way into my lips as I saw his text. I put my phone away and threw my attention at the exit of the building.

Just a few minutes later, I saw the tall, beautiful blond walking out of the building, but of course, his friend Jesse is with him.

I don't like that guy. Well, Luke knows that but I have to hide my dislike to that guy for Luke's sake. I don't want my boyfriend getting mad at me.

I just watched the two of them, bidding each other goodbye, and as soon as that Jesse guy went on his way, Luke immediately looked around for me.

I didn't make a move and just waited as I watched him find me. A big smile instantly covered his face as his eyes landed on me, making a warm feeling spread throughout my body. I watched him as he made his way over to me, still with the smile spread on his face.

"Hi," he said, grinning as he stopped in front of me.

"Hi," I responded, smiling back at him.

I stood back up on my feet and gave him a peck on the lips, making a light blush appeared on his cheeks. I chuckled at the adorable sight.

"And...you drove again," he pointed out, glancing down at my hand.

I smiled and then said, "I'm sorry. I have to pick you up because there is something that I need to show you."

Luke gave me a confused look, "What is it?"

"Come with me and I'll take you there," I said.

Luke opened his hands in front of me and said, "Keys."

I laughed then handed him the keys. He gave me a smug smile then we both got in the car: him in the driver's seat and me in the passenger seat.

"So, where are we going?" he asked as he pulled out of the parking space.

"To the city," I answered.

"Ok, but you know I have work later right?"

"I know, baby, and I'll make sure you'll be back on time for your shift. And besides, we got like four hours before your shift starts."

"Ok...now I'm very curious what is this thing that you are gonna show me," he stated as he continued to drive.

"It's not really a thing," I said, making Luke glance at me then back to the road.

"What is it really then?" He asked now more confused.

"I really do have to show so you'll understand what it is."

Luke let out a huff, "Ok, Ash, as long as it won't kill me."

I laughed, "You really are something, Luke Hemmings."

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