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yay! after 6589265424459823years i am able to update!

hope you will enjoy this one! :)


I moved around as I woke up but I didn't open my eyes yet. I felt an arm wrap around my body and a pair of lips on my temple. The actions brought a smile to my own lips.

"Good morning, princess," I heard Ashton's soft voice say.

I opened my eyes with the smile still etched on my face. I looked at Ashton who was laying beside me and smiling softly at me.

"Princess, huh?" I said.

"You don't like it?"

"Well, the last time you called me that, you were insulting me," I told Ashton with a chuckle.

Ashton laughed, "I wasn't insulting you."

"You sure did sound like it."

Ashton pecked my lips and smiled, "But I am not insulting you now."

I smiled at him and said, "Well then, I love it."

"I love you."

I chuckled, "and I love you."

Ashton smiled and then leaned in to give me a proper kiss. I pulled away immediately though, making Ashton look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I got morning breath," I told him sheepishly.

"Since when did that matter to us?" He asked with an amused expression.

I chuckled, "True."

Ashton then leaned back in and kissed me again and this time I kissed him back, circling my arms around his neck. It was just a sweet innocent kiss and it was perfect as always. Kisses I share with Ashton are always perfect.

I smiled into the kiss before I pulled away and looked at Ashton fondly. He smiled at me then said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I love you," I told him with a smile as I pushed a strand of hair off his face.

"And I love you, baby."

I pulled Ashton to me and kissed him again, but it didn't take long as we both pulled away again and he said, "Breakfast?"

"Well that is definitely a great idea," I told him, making him chuckle.

Ashton then sat up on the bed and the blanket covering us fell around his waist, showing off his fit, muscular torso. I shamelessly stared at it though and that made him raise an eyebrow at me.

I smiled smugly and said, "You are so hot and you are my boyfriend."

Ashton laughed, then he moved closer to me and hovered over me as he slipped his uninjured hand under the blanket, landing directly on my stomach. I smiled up at him as his hand caressed my skin and made its way to my side.

He dipped his head down, placed his lips on my neck and began sucking on my sensitive skin. My arms found their way around his shoulders and I tipped my head to the side, giving him more access to my neck.

I closed my eyes as I felt the pleasure Ashton is giving me through sucking on the skin on my neck. I let out a soft moan and I felt Ashton smirk against my skin.

Ashton then pulled away from my neck and I opened my eyes to look at him. He's already staring down at me with a soft gaze and that made me smile up at him. I placed a hand on the side of his face and caressed his cheek with my thumb and said, "You know, I still can't believe that you're mine. I know we just went through our first hardship in our relationship and that's the thing about it, we got through it and we got back together and you're still mine."

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