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As I have expected, Josh was not in favor of what I asked him. But I managed to persuade him to agree to help me. Now, we're driving to Andrew's place, and well, I'd be lying if I'd say I'm not fucking nervous.

Josh parked the car across a typical looking suburban house. It's funny because the house looks beautiful and peaceful. It's as if a nice family lives in it and not a jealousy-ridden, borderline sadistic, asshole.

"Luke, this is your last chance to change your mind not to continue with this reckless plan," Josh said to me with hope in his eyes.

Yes, this is a very reckless plan. I know that. I understand that and I also know that everyone would call me crazy and stupid right now for doing this. But, unfortunately, for Josh and for everyone, I have made up my mind and I am quite determined on talking with Andrew.

"Let's go," I told Josh.

He let out a sigh of defeat, "Ashton will absolutely kill me for this."

"Not if you won't tell him anything," I told him as we both got out of the car.

"Do you really think he won't find out about this?"

"Will he?"

"And here I thought you knew your boyfriend well enough."

I frowned because yes, he's right. I actually don't know Ashton that well enough yet. There are still a lot of things that he hasn't told me and I can't and I won't force him to tell me those.

"Josh, I'm sorry that I am dragging you into this, and I promise, if Ashton finds out about this, I will take all responsibility for my actions. I will take all the blame because there is no one else to blame here, but me."

Josh stared at me for a bit then he sighed, "Luke, that is not what I am worried about. You, talking to Andrew is what worries me so much. In case you have forgotten, this is Andrew you are gonna talk to. He's...unpredictable. He tends to do crazy things. He's a dangerous person, Luke."

"I know that, Josh. I know what I'm getting myself into," I told him. Then I sighed and continued, "You know what, just go. I'll just handle things here on my own. I don't want to put you in any more trouble than I already have."

"Are you kidding me?" He looked at me incredulously. "Do you really think I'd let you do this alone? No, Luke. Now, let's go." He started to walk towards the front door of the house, yet muttering, "Let's just hope that he will not shoot us since he's gone to that path now."

I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed out before I followed Josh to the house.

We stopped in front of the door and glanced at each other before I knocked. We heard a voice calling out, saying, "Coming."

My heart started to pound in my chest. Fuck. This is it. After months, I'm gonna be face to face with Andrew again. But I can't back out. I have to do this. I have to try whatever so I can help fix things. No matter how stupid my plan maybe but at least I have tried.

The door then opened, and Derek came into view. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow while he looked at me with surprise quite clear on his face.

"Luke. What are you doing here?" he then asked and I noticed the worry in his voice.

"Wait. You know each other?" Josh asked in confusion.

"Kind of," I told Josh without looking at him. Then I said to Derek, "I need to talk to Andrew. Is he here?"

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