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late update again...been very very busy with work. anyways, thanks so much again for the reads. i hope you enjoy this chapter! :)


I woke up with a heavy pain in my head that I couldn't even open my eyes and just groaned as I pushed my face more into the pillow.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Ashton's voice sounded from beside me, making me open my eyes slowly.

He is sitting on the bed next to me, looking down at me with an amused smile on his face. I raised a hand up and flipped him off.

"What did I do now?" He asked in confusion but his expression remained amused.

"You are making fun of me," I muttered as I dropped my hand back on the bed.

Ashton chuckled, "Making fun of you? I was greeting you 'good morning', how was that making fun of you?"

"I can see it by the look on your face," I reasoned with a pout.

Ashton laughed then pulled me to him making my face and chest lay against his chest. It was kind of a weird position but it didn't feel weird or uncomfortable at all. Well, every time I am locked in his hold, I only feel comfort and safety.

He then kissed the top of my head then said, "You are so adorably cute, you know that?"

I buried my face into his chest as I tried to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Come on now, baby...do you want some breakfast?" Ashton then softly asked.

"I want something for this deadly pain in my head," I mumbled against his chest.

"Now now, let me get you some aspirin," Ashton said, patting my shoulder.

I got off of him and laid back down on the bed.

Ashton then stood up from the bed and took the bottle of aspirin from the desk and handed them to me then took the glass of water from the nightstand as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He handed it to me and then I gulped down an aspirin along with some water.

Ashton then took the bottle of aspirin and the glass of water back and placed it on the nightstand.

I then dropped my head on his shoulder with a groan and said, "I am never drinking again."

"Yeah, says everyone who said the same thing," responded Ashton.

I lightly hit his chest as I grumbled, "I hate you. You always mock me."

Ashton chuckled as he ran his hand up and down my arm. Then he said, "How about this...I won't let you drink too much when we go to a party next time."

"Yeah...that probably is a better idea," I mumbled.

"Now why don't you lay back down and I'll make you something to eat? Do you want that?" Ashton asked.

I lifted my head up from his shoulder and gave him a nod with a grin. He chuckled and gave me a peck on the lips.

I then looked around the room and that was when I realized that I'm in Ashton's room. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and asked, "How did I end up here?"

"I brought you home. You were too drunk to even walk." Ashton explained.

"How about the others? Where are they?"

"Calum's passed out on the couch, Niall and Michael are in Michael's room. All of you were too drunk last night and I have to drive you all home. Calum's car is still at Josh and Tyler's." Ashton stated.

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