Regret (part 6) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

I spent most of my afternoon crying with Kit. Phana, Wayo and Ming knew there was something wrong but gave me space. Eventually Kit left leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was still confused on what to do. I wanted to see Forth but I didn't even know what ti say. Kit told me he already knows I listened. I waited until night again. I had dinner with everyone and they ignored the obvious topic. Kit probably already told them to let me be. After everyone went to sleep I sit by the window looking at my phone. I wanted to say something to Forth but couldn't bring myself to do it. I settled for a walk on the beach hoping to find him there. I was going to let this one to destiny if he was there I would talk to him if not then I'll go back to my room. The closer I got to the backdoor the more my heart raced I was anxious. As I started walking down the beach I could see a figure in our spot it must be him. I approached him quickly and he looked surprised to see me.

"Beam?" He said unsure as if to make sure I was really there.

"Hi" I said awkwardly sitting down next to him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I turned to look at him but he was looking at the ocean.

"I don't even know how to explain it. I don't even know how I'm feeling." I answered honestly.

"I see." He said.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked hugging my knees to my chest.

"You already heard me once. I love you." He said turning to look at me and I felt my breath hitch at the bold confession.

"You shouldn't." I said feeling the tears threatening to fall once again.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"No one should like me. You deserve someone better. Someone as good as you doesn't deserve a good for nothing Casanova who cant admit his feelings and always messes everything up." I said and his expression turned from sad to pained.

"Beam don't talk like that about yourself! It pains me to hear you talk so lowly of yourself." He said grabbing my hands and I sniffled. He pulled me closer to his chest and I started crying again. I couldn't help it.

"Why? Why do you want me? I couldn't accept my feelings from the start. Instead I hurt you by sleeping around. At the end of the day you still want me? I cant understand that." I said finally letting my feelings out.

"I was mad and hurt at first but I know you were scared and running away from me. So I decided to give you space and try to move on. But my feelings for you remain the same. Thats why I'm here I thought that maybe this time it will work. I know you feel the same. I was trying to get closer to you so you could see there's nothing to be scared of. I was hoping to change your mind because I love you and I'm pretty sure I will never stop." He said and I gasped.

"Are you sure?" I asked and he sighed.

"Beam Baramee you are going to be the death of me. I will say this a million more times of I have to. I will always love you even if you never return my feelings." He said.

"Im sorry for making you wait. I love you too." I finally admitted and he smiled brightly at me.

"Finally." He said pulling me closer. I was surprised bur let him. After waiting for what felt like eternity finally our lips crashed. I was still hesitant at first but I went with the flow letting him lead. When we separated he gave me another peck before he started talking. "This better mean you are done running away from me. Ive been patient for a long time." he said pressing his forehead against mine. I let out a laugh.

"Fine if you'll have me I'm all yours." I said stealing a kiss.

"Yesss! It was about damn time!" I heard Kit scream which startled both of us. I look behind us to see everyone standing on Forth's back porch. Kit, Lam and Park were cheering loudly the rest stood shocked for a while before joining them. They came to congratulate us and I hid my head in Forths shoulder feeling embarrassed.

"I didn't know about this but I'm happy for you!" said Phana.

"Yes P'Beam I was shocked too but congratulations." said Wayo.

"Finally Kit is going to turn his attention towards me again since you two are now together." said Ming and Kit smacked him on the head. We all laughed at that.

"I'm glad you two are finally together. Our next plan was to tie you up together until Beam admitted his feelings." said Kit.

"I even had the rope, I was looking forward to that one." complained Park and we all laughed.

"Beam you better stop hurting Forth. He truly loves you. But other than that I'm happy you are together. It was driving me crazy. Forth following you everywhere and you moping around sad all day. It was really about damn time that you two got together." said Lam.

"Let's celebrate we will be leaving the beach soon." said Kit. we lit a campfire and spent most of out night outside having fun together. Everyone was coupled up even Park and Lam. Eventually everyone fell asleep except for Forth and I.

"I regret wasting so much time on my insecurities but I'll promise to make it up to you by showing you how much I love you." I said sincerely. Forth just smiled hugging me a little tighter.

"Its all in the past but I won't mind you showing me how much you love me." he said before pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

the end-


To be honest I didn't like this story that much. It didn't inspire me and I went in without a plan for it so it didn't turn out to my liking but for now it will do. Im really excited to share the next one with you all though. Hopefully I will manage to write everything how I am imagining it because I think it will be really good. Anyways I will see you all tomorrow in the next chapter. Stay safe everyone!

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