Officially the last chapter. A little nod to the last one. Since they started the same but took to wildly different paths hahaha. Next story will be published on Wednesday and it will go back to regularly updating every few days!Forth's P.O.V.
I woke up feeling hands wrapping around me. I opened one eye to see Beam snuggling up against me tiredly. I wrapped my arms around bringing him closer. He looked up his eyes half closed.
"Sorry to wake you up." He mumbled yawning.
"I don't mind. I'm glad to see you are home ok." I said tracing my hand across his spine lazily.
"I missed you." He mumbled sleepily.
"I've missed you too." I said. He was working a 24 hour shift at the hospital. I glanced at the clock beside the bed. It was already 3 am. I tried waiting for him awake but I failed.
"I can stay awake for a little while to spend time with you if you want." He said but I just chuckled softly.
"Sleep well have all day tomorrow. I know you are tired." I said and he hit my chest lightly for laughing. He snuggled closer though.
"I love you." He said softly and a second later he was asleep. I pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I love you too." I replied even if he was already in dreamland. He didn't even process that we had the whole day tomorrow. I asked for the day off since we've been so busy we have barely seen each other this week. I knew he was dissatisfied when he saw our days off didn't match but didn't say anything. So I did some overtime and got ahead of the work to take my days off with him. Tomorrow was a special day too. Our third year anniversary. I don't think he remembers since I almost didn't. But I'm glad we can spend it together. It wasn't long before I fell back asleep too.
Still I ended waking up first. It was ten in the morning when I woke up. I was quiet trying not to disturb Beam. I knew he was so tired the possibility of me walking him up wasn't much but still it didn't hurt to be careful. I took some clothes and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I was done I walked out of our room. A month after we got together I ended moving into the penthouse. It was easier that way since we were both busy that way we could see each other more often. We were looking for another place now. Somewhere closer to the hospital where Beam works. Since I can't help but worry about him getting home after a tiring shift. I made a cup of coffee and answered some emails. Planning to disconnect myself before Beam wakes up. As normal things didn't go to plan because I was startled when Beam wrapped his arms around my neck from behind placing his head on my shoulder.
"Morning well afternoon now." He said and I was surprised it was already one o'clock.
"Sleep well?" I asked.
"I did. But you should have woken me up earlier." He said glaring at me. I just laughed.
"You were tired and I needed to catch up on some work before you woke up." I said finishing my email before shutting my laptop.
"You took the day off." He said and I nodded. "Thank you for that I've missed you. I know you have an important project coming up." He said smiling at me.
"You're more important. Besides I've missed you too." I said leaning my head to the side to kiss him.
"I will order us some food." He said letting me go and grabbing the phone ordering room service.
"I will miss that when we move." I admitted looking at him. He rolled his eyes but laughed.
"Oh I know you will. We will probably starve to death." He said and I laughed.

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.