Forth's P.O.V.
A few days have passed since I left the hotel. I've tried to stop thinking about Beam and the fact that he has feelings for me. I know that's what he wanted. But it's been hard. I have so many questions. But I need space after everything that happened, and I know he does, too. Besides, I'm the last person he would want to see right now. I was in my room finishing a project. I should focus on my studies for now. I was startled when I heard a knock at my door. I rushed to open it, a part of me hoping it would be Beam. When I opened the door and saw Wayo, I couldn't help but be disappointed.
"Can we talk?" he asked and I knew this had to happen sooner or later so I nodded letting him inside.
"I was thinking about calling you I just didn't have the time." I said and he sighed.
"Doesn't surprise me." He said and I looked at him expectantly.
"Care to explain yourself?" I asked and he shrugged.
"You are always so busy that's all." he said looking everywhere but at me.
"I'm an engineering student, faculty moon, and the head hazer. Of course, I'm busy. I always tried to be there for you though. So please don't act like I never had time for you." I said already getting irritated. He's trying to blame me even though he was the one cheating.
"I know you tried. It just wasn't what I expected. Sometimes I wanted you to be there but you had other responsibilities that felt more important than me." he said sitting down on the couch. I let out a sigh.
"I couldn't just drop everything because you wanted to spend time with me. If you needed me for something, of course, I would be there. But just because you were bored and wanted to hang out? That was just unrealistic I would never leave my responsibilities just to go and do nothing with you. When I had free time I always looked for you and took you on dates. On the weekends I would hang out with you all day just being lazy. That should have been enough and if it wasn't you should have broken up with me. I get being with me it's not like you expected. We are not compatible. It just took us some time to realize." I said realizing if I continued it would just start a stupid fight. He does not see reason so we would just go in circles.
"I guess you are right about something. We are not compatible. You had time when you were competing with Phana for my attention." He said and I sighed.
"The same amount of time I had after! You were a moon too. We shared that responsibility that's why I saw you a little more before and after. Because you were in the same place it was easier. When I wasn't there you had Phana so you didn't even notice. Look are you here to fight?" I asked annoyed.
"But it's the truth! Sue me for wanting to spend time with my partner every day. Or wanting someone to go with me shopping, to pick me up every day when I get out of class, or just do nothing together. I want someone to pamper me and love me. You're here acting like it's a crime." he said and I sighed.
"I didn't mind doing all of those things. But when I have the time. You need to understand I have responsibilities. We are grown-ups Wayo. It didn't mean I cared about you any less at that time." I said and he nodded.
"We will never agree on this. But it's fine, we are not together anymore. I came to pick up my things." he said, and I nodded.
"Here I packed everything up." I passed him the box with some sweaters and a few other stuff he left here wanting to be done with this already.
"I looked in my apartment. But it seems that you never left anything there." he said.
"I figured thank you anyway." I said and he started walking towards the door.

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.