Chasing you (part 15)

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Forth's P.O.V.

We arrived at Phana's house around lunch. Everyone was already there. We made our way to the living room. They were all sitting down and talking.

"You guys made it just in time. We were just about to have lunch." Said Phana.

"Great we are hungry." Said Beam. We all walked to the dining room and sat down. Phana and Wayo brought the food.

"Where's Park and Lam?" Asked Ming.

"They already had plans." I said and he nodded.

"Together?" Asked Phana and I nodded again.

"Are they dating?" Asked Kit and I almost laughed. They should be but neither of them had confessed.

"Not yet." I said and we all gave each other knowing looks. The love they have for each other. Everyone can see it but themselves.

"Well let's eat. We can head to the beach after." Said Phana and we nodded following him to the dinning room. We had a quick lunch. Nothing fancy just hamburger and fries.

After we were done everyone went to change. There were four rooms and thankfully Park and Lam hadn't come. So I had a room to myself. After I settled myself I threw myself on the bed looking at the ceiling. I felt tired. I guess being conscious all the time of how I act in order to not upset Beam has taken a toll on me. Specially since Beam himself has been acting weird and it has me on edge. After a few minutes passed I sat down. I needed to change and head out soon or they will be suspicious. Im starting to think coming here was a mistake. I put on some swimming trunks and a sleeveless shirt. I grabbed my sunglasses before heading out. As I opened the door I was surprised to see Beam who looked as if he was about to knock. I looked at him surprised.

"You took so long! I was getting worried." He said letting out a laugh. I just smiled at him.

"I contemplated taking a nap instead." I lied.

"Don't be a party pooper. Its not every day we come to the beach." He said and to my surprised grabbed my hand dragging me away. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

"You know I was coming anyway." I said letting him hold my hand. He just shrugged and continued walking while we were hand in hand. He dropped my hand when we got near the others who hadn't noticed us. They were setting two umbrellas and a couple towels.

"Im going in. Come on Kit Kat." Said Ming and Kit hesitated. Before he could say a word though Ming had already picked him up and had started running towards the water. We all laughed except Kit who started play fighting with ming.

"He sure knows him well. Didn't even let him speak." I said letting out a laugh.

"Its a miracle he's still alive. Because if one of us did that to Kit we wouldn't live to tell it." Said Phana shaking his head while looking at the couple.

"Well I don't know about you guys. But I'm tired so I'm just going to lay here." I said picking a towel and sitting on it. I laid back on the shadow of the umbrella. Beam left with Phana and Wayo towards the water. I wanted to take a nap but I couldn't sleep. So I ended just looking at them having fun. A while passed and Beam started walking towards me leaving Phana and Wayo alone. He sat down beside me. I turned to look at him.

"Got tired already?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah a little. Also I don't like you just sitting here alone. So I came to keep you company." He said turning to look at me and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said sitting down and facing him. He started playing with the sand and I did the same. He was really concentrated trying to do a tower of sand. I was mainly watching him. Then I decided to make it fall. So while he wasn't looking at me I moved my hand and smashed half of it. The look on his face was priceless.

"Forth!" He screamed. I just laughed and he started throwing sand at me. I did the same running away. He was following me and we ended in the water. He still had a handful of sand and was coming right at me. He managed to catch up putting one arm around my shoulder using the other one to smear the wet sand from my cheek to my neck.

"Seriously." I said and he just laughed.

"You deserved it!" He said and I just glared at him playfully. He grabbed my chin with his hand making me look at him. "Stop glaring at me." He said moving my head from side to side.

"Never!" I said moving my head trying to bite his hand which made him laugh.

When we calmed down I realized how close we were to each other. What happened next made my heart race wildly.

"Something touched my foot." Said Beam jumping to me. He was already really close so he just had to wrap his legs around my waist. I looked at him surprised but he was just looking down.

"We are at the sea that something normal." I said trying not to think about the fact that if I moved one inch closer I would be kissing him.

"I don't care, I don't like it." He said and I sighed.

"Bee c'mon are you serious." I said holding in a laugh.

"Dead serious, don't you dare drop me right now." He said and I shook my head but wrapped my arms around him nonetheless.

"It probably wasn't anything. I don't feel anything weird." I said moving around with him still holding on to me.

"So what? You better not let me go until we are out of the water." he said and I made a movement like I was going to drop him and he grabbed onto me tighter. Making him as close as he could possibly be to me. Ok that was a bad idea. He hid his head on my neck. I let out a nervous laugh. Time to get out of here. Having him so close wasn't good for my poor heart. I started walking out of the water with him. I had forgotten about the other guys who were there and they all had their attention on us.

"We are out of the water already." I said once we were completely in the sand. He made some space between us but didn't let go.

"Carry me over to the towel." He said and I was surprised.

"Bee everyone is looking at us." I said finding it weird he was acting so clingy.

"I don't care." He said and I just nodded and kept walking. He is going to be the death of me.

"What can't walk now?" Said Kit sarcastically when we were near them.

"Why should I when Forth can carry me. Ming carry Kit so he stops being jealous" said Beam and Kit looked furious.

"You little shit." He said and he quickly jumped out of my arms knowing Kit was going to hit him. They started running around and Phana came to me.

"What's up with you and Beam?" He asked and I just shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. He's acting weird today. Like if were toge..." I started to say but stopped myself. "I don't know." I said just leaving it at that. Phana just looked at me with pity.


I know I said this update was going to come sooner but I just got so busy 😭. Sorry for that! But here it is now! Thank you for your patience. As always stay safe and I will see you all on the next chapter!

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