Betrayal (part 4)

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Forth's P.O.V.

When the elevator doors opened, Beam quickly stepped out, not looking back. I followed him inside, wanting to talk but unsure if it was the right moment.

"What happened to not causing a scene?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood, but he ignored me. He walked straight to the kitchen, grabbed a glass, and poured himself some whisky. I stood beside the elevator doors. I could still see him, but there was a distance between us. He still hasn't looked at me. "I can leave. Or we can talk. Whatever you want." I said, putting my hands in my pockets waiting for his answer. He finally looked me in the eye. I could tell he was wary, and I had to be careful of what I said to him.

"Why are you not surprised?" he asked instead of responding me. I was thinking about what I should say. But decided to be as sincere as I could.

"I figured it out this morning. Today, I was thinking with a clear head instead of the anger I had yesterday. It all seemed weird; nothing about this situation made sense in my mind. Then I sent you the pictures, and you didn't even blink for a second after seeing them. I didn't show them to you yesterday, and anyone else would've been surprised. So I figured it was you who took the photos. But why would you betray Phana? Then I thought back to the day Wayo chose me, and I finally understood that hurt look you gave me that day." At that, he looked surprised.

"I didn't..." he said, but I shook my head no interrupting him.

"I remember it Beam. I couldn't figure out why, and it has been on my mind ever since. Then all this happened. It made sense that the reason you decided to help me was because you had feelings for me. All the little things add up. How you said you couldn't hate me. You bringing me here. Yesterday, when you were scared thinking, I figured it out. So when Phana said it, it was just confirmation I needed to know I was right." I said, and he looked down.

"Well, now you know." He said, and I hated that he looked so vulnerable.

"There's nothing wrong with that Beam. I'm sorry everything came out this way and that you were hurt in the process..." Before I could finish, Beam broke down crying. I hesitated for a second before I approached him.

"Just leave Forth." He said between sobs. But I couldn't leave him like that. After all the help he had given me. Once I was beside him, I pulled him into a hug. He tried to push me away at first, but I held him firmly. It took a second before he stopped fighting me and instead buried his face on my chest. I could feel his tears wetting my shirt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to fall in love with you. I never intended to meddle in your relationship, either. As long as you were happy, I didn't mind. But then Phana started acting weird, and I caught him with Wayo. I just couldn't let them do that to you." he said, and I just rubbed circles on his back, not letting him go.

"It's ok. I don't blame you. Instead, I thank you for helping me. I owe you one if you ever need anything from me, just say so." I said, and that helped him calm down a little.

"Please forget about my feelings for you. I never intended to tell you. If you want to repay me, then just have a drink with me tonight. Then when you walk out of that door tonight, forget all of this happened, ok?" he asked, and I sighed, making some distance between us. I looked at him, and he had a fierce look in his eyes like he was demanding me to forget about him. Not wanting to hurt him more, I just agreed.

"Ok, whatever you want." I said, and without a word, he moved away from me. He wiped his tears and walked towards the cabinet that held all the liquor. He took a bottle of whisky and two glasses before walking to the living room. I just followed him. He sat down, looking at the view. I sat down beside him, and he just passed me a glass of the expensive whisky. "Beam..." I tried to talk to him, but he shook his head.

"I don't want to talk anymore, Forth." he said, taking a big gulp out of his drink. Well, this isn't at all how I was expecting the night to go. As the night progressed, Beam just got drunk beside me while I slowly sipped my whisky. I was worried about him. No words were exchanged, but I could tell Beam needed me there with him. So I sat beside him, not saying a word. He finished most of the bottle, and I could tell he was wasted when he lost his grip on the glass, letting it fall to the ground. He was startled by the sound when it shattered. He just stared at it for a second. I thought he was going to say something, but he just curled up on the sofa and fell asleep almost instantly. I sighed, getting up and cleaning the mess. After I was done, I returned to Beam. Even in his sleep, he had a frown. As gently as I could, I scooped him up into my arms. I walked towards his room and placed him on the bed. I took a second to admire him, brushing the hair out of his face. If only I had known of his feelings before, everything would have been different. He woke up, and I froze, my hand still near his face. He pushed my hand away.

"Even if I have feelings for you, I won't be your rebound." He slurred, pushing me away. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I wasn't trying anything. Great, he's asleep again." I tucked him in, getting him as comfortable as I could. Before I left, I decided to write him a note.

-Thank you for everything.

If you ever need me, don't hesitate to call-


I placed the note on the nightstand next to the bed before I took my leave. It felt weird walking out of the hotel. So much happened in just two days.

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