Bad day (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

We were already done with this week. Finally no more quizzes and I get to have a break. I missed going to the bar and having a beer. I didn't even want to leave with anyone tonight. Phana offered to drive so he came to pick up Kit and me. As always he was right on time. We headed to the club at eight. When we got there the engineering guys were already there. Seems like they've been here for a while since Park already looks tipsy.

"You finally made it here." said Forth and Phana laughed.

"Long week we don't get to do this as much as you guys." said Phana sitting beside Forth. I sat on the couch across and Kit followed me. We bought some beers and started the night.

We were drinking and talking in general at first. But then everyone got into their own conversations. Kit was flirting with Ming. Phana was talking with Forth and Park and Lam were in their own world. I sighed looking around. I'm getting bored now. I was just mindlessly listening to the conversations not really caring enough to join in. When I finished my beer I finally had an excuse to stand up. Not that I really needed one but whatever. Everyone turned to look at me as I did.

"Would anyone like another beer?" I asked. They all responded with a hum or nod of agreement. I made my way to the bar. They will have to wait. I decided to have one drink alone at the bar before returning to them. Sitting on a stool, I ordered a beer and scanned the bar, but no one caught my eye. As I was about to leave, I felt someone standing directly behind me. Suddenly, I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

"Been waiting a while for my beer." He said in a low voice. I turned to look at him and Forth was the one behind me.

"I didn't say I was going to be quick." I replied not breaking eye contact. He laughed looking away.

"Fair point. Why are you here alone though?" he asked and I was way too aware of how close he still was.

"I was a little bored. So I decided to drink one over here before coming back there." I shrugged.

"Come on I don't like seeing you alone here." he said.

"I'm fine here by myself. But ok." I said asking the bartender for another round of beers. Forth took half and started walking back to the others. I followed him. Everyone cheered when they saw us coming.

"Took you long enough. If we didn't send Forth to find you we would still be waiting." said Phana.

"You aren't gonna die for waiting a few more minutes." I said sitting down. That's when I noticed Kit was now sitting beside Phana and Forth was beside me. This was not uncommon but I still found it weird.

At the end of the night, Phana and Kit were wasted and almost asleep. Lam had already taken Park home. Forth turned to look at me.

"Is your car working fine?" he asked and I quickly turned towards Phana and Kit making sure they weren't hearing. "relax they are asleep I can tell you that much. Besides I just helped you nothing wrong with that." He said looking at me with an eyebrow raised. Almost a challenging look somehow.

"I know it's just weird. Usually, even if we hang out together. You and I don't really talk." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't like getting to know people that much."

"I've noticed."

"I just find it to be a waste of time. I'm fine with the friends I have." He shrugged.

"I'm not judging." I said letting out a laugh. "Ugh, how am I gonna get those two home." I whined turning to look at Forth. He just looked at me amused.

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