Old love, new love

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Beam's P.O.V.

I already knew. His car was in the parking lot. More than hurt I was feeling betrayed. We had our problems I was aware of that. But cheating? Really? He knew that was what would hurt me the most and still went ahead and did it. When I got the pictures of him in the lobby kissing another guy. I was enraged. Without giving it much thought I got in my car and drove straight here. But what was the point now? I looked around the hotel lobby. What a shitty fucking day. I rubbed my face feeling defeated. What am I even doing here? I should go home and sleep like I intended to. This relationship was already going to hell a part of me knew it. That our time was almost up. I had even started to come to terms with it. We stayed together because it was easier than breaking up especially since we were so busy. But the fact that he already moved on and started seeing someone else without having the decency to break up with me first. Knowing that was the one thing I hated the most in this world. If he had come clean and taken a minute to talk to me seriously like I've been begging him to do it would have been fine. But no, he had to cheat. Now everyone is going to look at me with the same pitiful eyes as when they did it to my mother. I hate him. The little love I still felt for him even if it wasn't romantic anymore just died today. I sat there for a few minutes my tiredness taking over after a twenty-four-hour shift. I should be in my bed sleeping not here after this hopeless cause. I could feel myself starting to doze off. I stood up with the intention of finding the nearest coffee shop. I needed the caffeine boost to get me home. I started walking slowly searching on my phone for the closest coffee shop when I seemingly tripped on air. I was bracing myself for the fall but instead, I felt strong arms grabbing me from behind.

"Are you ok?" the person asked.

"I'm mortified but thank you." I replied turning around and he laughed. I was surprised by who it was. "Forth?" I asked and he tilted his head.

"You know who I am?" He asked and I blushed looking away.

"I mean everyone knew your name. You had a reputation. We went to the same college." I said and he nodded looking me up and down.

"Fair enough. I also remember you Beam." He said smiling warmly at me and I was dumbfounded.

"You know who I am?" I asked confused. On the contrary to him I laid on the down low. Only known by my friends and boyfriend or so I thought.

"Your name is Beam no?" he said and I shook my head. That's not what I meant. Before I could say something he continued talking."What are you doing here?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Nothing I was actually just leaving." I said finally aware of where I was and that people could see us. He could see us. I looked around and just as if we had summoned him I noticed Mew getting out of the elevator with the other guy. I quickly hid behind Forth who towered over me. "Shit." I cursed because he almost saw me and out of embarrassment with Forth. Could the ground just open up and swallow me right now?

"He's gone already. They walked to the pool." Said Forth and I let go of his blazer that I didn't even realize I was gripping tightly.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm leaving now." I said not daring to look at him in the eye.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" He asked and I sighed. If he knew who I was he certainly knows that that idiot is my boyfriend. We were together since our early college years.

"He is." I said still looking down.

"Is he...?" I didn't even let him finish the sentence too ashamed.

"He is." I said softly. "Look Forth." I said turning to look at him and was surprised to see he was angry? or at least he looked like he was. I gulped before I continued talking. "I'm leaving. I just finished a twenty four hour shift. He is clearly cheating. I'm not wasting any more of my time." I said and he shook his head.

"You aren't going to confront him?" He asked confused.

"Right now I just want to sleep. I will deal with everything later." I sighed tiredly.

"Come with me. I can offer you a place to sleep right now. You can decide what to do later." He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the elevator. Before I could process what was happening the doors were already closing.

"You don't have to. I'm just going home." I said letting out a tired yawn. All of my energy is drained at this point.

"You don't look fine. You are falling asleep and just received bad news. That's a recipe for disaster. Just rest for a while you can leave after."

"But I'm not staying here." I said with each passing second more confused.

"I know I'm just putting you in an empty room for you to rest."

"You work here?" I asked.

"Something like that." I was about to question him when I noticed the elevator opened up straight into the room. This is the penthouse.

"Forth!" I said feeling speechless.

''Shh don't say anything just take a bath and get some sleep." he said gently guiding me in. I took one look at the soft bed and made up my mind. I will ask questions later. I took off my shoes and jacket and made a beeline for the bed. Everything can wait until I finally get some sleep I thought getting comfortable.

"You should take a bath first." I heard Forth say but I was already dozing off so I didn't even answer letting myself fall asleep.


First new story! Im excited! Hope you guys enjoy it!

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