Beam's P.O.V.
I couldn't sleep I was just thinking while Forth slept on my chest. After a while I just turned to my phone for entertainment. I didn't want to wake him and he seemed comfortable. Two hours later Forth woke up startled.
"Sorry I didn't expect to really fall asleep." He said tiredly.
"It's ok I don't mind." I said. He yawned separating from me.
"I have missed this." He said sincerely and I pulled him closer to my chest.
"I've missed this too." I said. 'I will make this right.' I thought.
"I'm going to take a bath before dinner." He said standing up. I just hummed letting him go.
I went downstairs to get a glass of water. I saw Lam sitting down at the kitchen island. He was alone so that was weird.
"Where's Park?" I asked.
"Helping his dad with something." He said and I nodded. I was about to walk away when he continued talking. "I know you heard Park and Forths conversation this morning." He said and I turned back.
"How did you know?" I asked confused and he motioned me to sit down across from him which I did.
"I was there too just not talking. I noticed you listening from the start but didn't say anything. I was hoping hearing them would knock some sense into you." He said and I shrugged.
"It let me thinking. Specially what Park said. It's kind of true we do act like a couple some times except for the I love you part and the sex. I won't have sex with him now but maybe we can start by kissing and I do love him just not in that way. I want to try and be in a relationship with him. I mean I know I was against it. But I don't want to loose him." I said and Lam looked mad.
"Are you stupid or what?!? That's what you take from it? That's wasn't what they meant! It was about you feeling the same and being in denial." Said Lam frustrated.
"That's not possible. I would know if I felt that way about him." I said and Lam literally facepalmed himself.
"You know what do whatever you want." He said standing up and leaving the kitchen. I stayed there thinking and a minute later Forth entered the kitchen freshly showered.
"I'm hungry." He complained sitting beside me and putting his head on my shoulder. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised but he wasn't looking at me.
"Make something to eat then." I said.
"You used to make the best grilled cheese sandwiches. Could you make me one? Pleaseeeee." He said and I smiled.
"You just don't want to cook." I said and he laughed.
"You know I try but I always end up burning it!" He said and I shook my head.
"Fine I will make you a grilled cheese." I said and he hugged my waist.
"You're the best." He said and I smiled hugging him back. After a while I pulled back but he didn't.
"How can I make you a sandwich if you don't let me go?" I said and he finally released me from his grip. I made us both a sandwich and he was so happy when I gave him his.
"This is so good! Thank you!" He said and I smiled.
"You're welcome!" I said. Mom came into the kitchen with Forths mom.
"I am about to start cooking dinner! Couldn't you two have waited a little but more." Said my mom and I shrugged.
"Forth was hungry and I wanted a snack. Don't worry we will still eat you food." I said and she laughed.
"Of course all you two do is eat and sleep all day." She said. When we were done we decided to go outside for a while. We walked to were the fireplace was. It was a little bit hidden from the house so we usually go there when we are outside so no one disturb us. We were surprised by what we found there though. There sitting in one chair we're Park and Lam making out. I couldn't help but gasp out loud.
"Holy shit don't you two have a room for yourselves." Said Forth and Park basically pushed Lam away from him. Lam fell to the floor. Forth and I looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
"You asshole!" Screamed Lam.
"I'm sorry baby!" Said Park trying to reach for Lam but he swatted his hand away mad.
"Are you two together?" Asked Forth when we calmed down.
"Not anymore." Said Lam glaring at Park who looked worried.
"Babeeee." Whined Park but shut up when Lam glared at him.
"Why did you hide that from us?" I asked curiously.
"You two were having problems so we thought that was best." Said Lam and everything became awkward. Forth wasn't looking at me and Park was scratching the back of his head.
"We are ok now." I said grabbing Forths hand and he just smiled sadly looking at our intertwined hands. "Right Forth?" I asked and he looked up.
"Yeah." He said and I nodded.
Lam finally got up from the ground but sat down in the seat next to Park still glaring at him. Park was looking at him guilty.
"So when did you two got together?" I asked and Lam just looked away refusing to answer.
"I've known that I love him for a long time. I just didn't know he did too. So we only got together last month but we both have feelings for each other since longer than that." Said Park and I nodded. Lam smiled at that. It didn't take long for Lam to stop being mad at Park. We spent the rest of the night talking outside. Mom brought dinner to us and a few other family member joined us. It was the first good night here since we've arrived this year.
Well this story has definitely been one of the hardest to write. I just keep straying away from the plot I have in mind and I keep on redoing it. Still this isn't what I had in mind first anyway but let's see if I can stick to it to the end anyway. That's all for now! As always stay safe and I will see you on the next chapter!

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.