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Beams P.O.V.

Today I decided to go to the bar alone since Kit and Phana are with their boyfriends. I've had a pretty bad day and I'm in a bad mood. To make matters worse I noticed a guy glaring at me as soon as I was out of my car. I tried to ignore him walking away but as I was passing by him he grabbed my shoulder.

"You are Beam Baramee." He said in a serious tone and I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah got a problem with that?" I said annoyed.

"You're the reason my girlfriend broke up with me." He yelled and I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. He's the third idiot I've had to deal with this week. Once again I tried to walk away but this time he gripped my shoulder harder making me spin around to face him. He was about to throw a punch at me but I dodged.

"Stop it, it's not my fault you don't treat your girl right. If she was happy then why did she come to me." I said pushing him away.

"You fucking asshole." Screamed the other guy and started throwing punches. I was able to dodge most of them but he managed to hit me once and I felt my lip burst. Dammit this is such a shitty day I thought trying to hit him. He managed to grab me by the collar and pushing me against the wall. "I'm gonna make you regret messing with my girl." Said the guy and I was pissed but trapped. If I could get my hands on him I'd punch him so hard I'll knock him to tomorrow. I tried getting out of his grip but it was useless and he managed to punch me in the stomach. I closed my eyes in pain. I was expecting another blow but instead I was released. I opened my eyes to see Forth had pushed the guy away from me standing in front of me. He looked at me for a second before nodding slightly and turning to the other guy.

"If you are going to pick a fight don't choose someone weaker than you." Said Forth in a cold voice.

"Stop interfering this is between me and that asshole." Said the guy trying to come hit me again but Forth stood in the way.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that you see he's my friend and I don't like to see my friends get hurt specially if it's not a fair fight." He said crossing his arms. The guy tried to punch him but Forth hit him first making the guy stumble back.

"You'll pay me for this asshole." Said the guy and Forth didn't even flinch.

"Whatever come at me whenever you want you won't win against me." Said Forth turning to me and pulling me into the bar with him. "Why are you always looking for trouble. I swear every time I see you, you are pissing somebody off." Said Forth once we were inside.

"It wasn't my fault!" I said letting him drag me since he helped me.

"Why was he hitting you anyway?" Asked Forth. We reached the table and he nudged me to sit first in the round table. I ended up next to Lam on one side and Forth got in trapping me from the other side.

"He said I made his girlfriend break up with him." I replied rolling my eyes.

"You should seriously stop sleeping around so much." He said annoyed.

"I always ask them if they have a boyfriend first. Am I supposed to do a background check on every girl that approaches me." I replied.

"Why don't you get a girlfriend. You will have someone to sleep with all the time and no trouble." He said.

"Yeah right. Have you seen girls around here?!? Even if they have boyfriends they are cheating with me willingly. No thank you I don't want that." I said and he sighed.

"You are a lost cause." He said and I smirked. "One day you will get in real trouble though. Not always will someone come and save you ass like I did today." He said and I shrugged.

"Thank you for that by the way." I said and he nodded. He took a tissue and pressed it against my lip. I had already forgotten about that. I reached for the tissue holding it myself and he took his hand away. He passed me a beer and we started talking with Park and Lam who where forgotten for a second. No girls were approaching me today since no one dared to come to the engineering table and I couldn't leave since I was trapped between Lam and Forth. Not that I minded after the fight I wasn't in the mood to sleep with anyone so I was just hanging with the engineering guys. Somehow the topic came back to my and my trouble with girls. They were laughing at me.

"Don't you get tired? Half of the time you are fighting with angry boyfriends." Asked Lam and I sighed.

"I don't like that part but it comes with it I guess." I shrugged.

"If you had Forth as your bodyguard that wouldn't happen. He'd scare everyone off and the ones who'd be brave enough would just get their ass beat." Said Park and I turned to look at him.

"Don't even think about it." Said Forth and I pouted.

"Oh come on! If you are seen with me nobody will mess with me." I said.

"How about you just stop sleeping around." He said.

"You're no fun. Let's make a bet then. If I win you will be my bodyguard for a month." I said and suddenly he seemed interested.

"Hmm and what do I get then?" He asked.

"Whatever you want." I replied confidently.

"You sure about that. What if I asked you to sleep with me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I did say whatever you want and I don't go back on my word. Not that you are going to win though." I said and he nodded.

"Fine I'm interested, what are we betting on?" He asked.

"Hmm let's see. Lam you look like you are unbiased. You decided what we have to do." I said looking at him.

"Not interested." He said.

"Come on." I whined.

"Fine, staring contest." Said Lam and I rolled my eyes.

"That's lame." I said.

"We are in a bar there's not much to do. If it comes to strength like arm rest long you are done for. If I tell you to hook with someone it will be way easier for you than for him and I won't deal with both of you drunk. So staring contest." Said Lam.

"Fine let's do it." I said turning to Forth who shrugged.

"This is stupid." Said Forth but still turned to face me.

"I will watch Forth, you watch Beam." Said Park.

"On the count of three." Said Lam and I didn't even have time to think about it. "" said Lam and we both focused on each other. None of us was saying anything just staring. After a while I felt myself wanting to give up. I decided to spice things up a bit by placing my hand on Forths thigh who seemed surprised and blinked.

"That's cheating!" He said and I laughed.

"Lam didn't say we couldn't touch each other or anything. You could have done something first. Are you going back on your word." I challenged him and he glared at me.

"Beam Baramee you are going to regret this." He said but I just smiled.

"I expect you to have lunch and go out with me every day for the next month starting tomorrow!" I said and he sighed.

"Fine, whatever I'm leaving now." He said walking away annoyed. I just smirked. Now let's see who will mess with me. I got up saying goodbye to Park and Lam. I wasn't in the mood to leave with someone tonight. Besides now I don't have to worry since Forth is protecting me the next month is going to be filled with fun.


I have big plans for this one! Hopefully it will turn out good! Anyway stay safe everyone and I will see you all on the next chapter!

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