Forth's P.O.V.
I was enjoying making out with Beam after finding out he likes me too. Sadly the moment was cut short by Park and Lam.
"Forth Jaturapoom you are dead." I heard a scream that startled both me and Beam. He looked up still on my lap. I turned my head to a shocked Park and Lam. Beam hid his face on my chest and I glared at Park.
"You are the one who's about to be dead for interrupting this moment." I said mad. I've been waiting for this for so long.
"You asked for it! What did you tell him? I'll swear I will kill you if you told him what I think you told him." Said Park and I rolled my eyes. Lam and Beam just looked confused. I made Beam stand up and I did too pulling him behind me.
"I didn't but now I'm going to." I said glaring at him.
"Don't you dare!" Said Park furious but I didn't care.
"Lam, Park is in love with you." I said and Park was ready to fight. But thankfully Lam grabbed his hand not letting him.
"Asshole there was better ways to do this." Said Lam glaring at me holding back a furious Park.
"Whatever thank me later." I said grabbing Beam hand and walking away.
"I am very confused right now." Said Beam and I laughed.
"Ahh that asshole is always pissing me off but believe it or not I just helped him. They are both in love too." I said and Beam nodded processing the information for a second before turning to look at me wide eyed.
"Damn are you serious?!? What's next Phana and Kit?" Joked Beam before shuddering. "Oh God I hope not that would be weird." He said and I laughed.
"I can't imagine those two together either." I said. We continued walking and I grabbed his hand. He blushed when I did that.
"Since when are you shy? We've done worst just now we were making out." I said and he looked away.
"I'm not shy. Just shut up and keep walking." Said Beam and I let out a laugh. I can't believe this honestly. We walked to a coffee shop nearby. Once we were settled down in our seats with drinks and a snack Beam turned serious.
"We still need to talk." Said Beam and I sighed.
"I know." I said. I didn't want to but it was necessary.
"So you said you've loved me since a long time ago. How?" He asked and I sighed. He didn't even give me a break.
"Since I first met you I had a crush on you. It slowly turned into love I don't know how. I tried to get over you and I thought I had my feelings in check but I was wrong. You drove me crazy this past couple of weeks." I said and he looked down.
"I'm sorry." He said and I shook my head.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know and I am responsible for my feelings." I said even though it hurt. "How about you? How did you came to like me?" I asked confused. I hadn't really thought about it but now I'm curious. He scratched the back of his neck avoiding looking at me.
"I'm not proud of this. But it all started because I felt guilty that you had to follow me around for a month. I still needed your protection though. So I was thinking about how I could make it up to you. The only thing that came to mind was to give you what you would've asked for if you won the bet. Which was to have sex with you. I didn't want to give up my ass though but I started to feel more and more guilty and suddenly you were all I could think about. Even when I was about to have sex with someone else. I couldn't I would get up to the room and think about you waiting for me downstairs and I just couldn't do it. So I would just get myself wasted and wait until you came for me. That's when the feeling started because you seemed to care so much. I promise that when I did sleep with you for the first time I had feelings for you. I was just coming to terms with it and then you said all those things and I got lost in the moment. I guess us having sex kind of sealed the deal for me. After that I was sure of my feelings for you but I wasn't aware that you felt the same. I didn't want to let you go anymore I just didn't know how to tell you. I tried to make you jealous by going to the bar but you didn't seem to react. Then you got hurt and I felt horrible and this morning when I woke up you weren't there and it hurt. I just had to look for you and make sure you were ok but then when I saw you I couldn't contain my feelings any longer." He said and I smiled.
"You seriously didn't notice my feelings for you? I thought I was being way to obvious." I said shocked.
"Now thinking back it's obvious but in the moment every time something weird happened I was like it's just my mind messing with me." He replied and I nodded.
"There's still one thing bothering me." I said and he looked at me confused.
"What?" He asked.
"That girl." I said annoyed and he looked at me confused.
"What girl? I haven't been with anyone for a few weeks now." He said confused.
"That girl! The one who works at the restaurant that punched your cheeks! The one who you left me for in the bar last time." I said annoyed. I was still so damn jealous. He thought about it for a while before laughing.
"Oh you mean Min." He said and I glared at him.
"Why are you laughing?!? It's not funny. You two were all over each other." I said and he laughed harder.
"Are you seriously jealous! Even knowing that I like you?" He asked amused.
"Yes." I said seriously and he just smiled and shook his head.
"She's just a friend. I go eat there a lot and when I went alone she kept me company if the restaurant was not busy. She's already married and also she likes girl. That day at the bar when I was talking with her, her wife was there too you idiot." Said Beam letting out a laugh and now I felt like a complete idiot. I heard Beam laugh again and I turned to look at him.
"Sorry it's just funny that I tried to make you jealous a couple of times and it didn't work and the one time I didn't you were." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever." I said still feeling like an idiot.
"I'm glad though that we had this talk. I feel stupid not knowing you had feelings for me all this time. I also feel bad for making you my bodyguard." He said.
"I feel glad though because if it weren't for it I would still be stuck in a one sided love." I said grabbing his hand and he smiled.
"I know it's probably to early but I feel like I love you too. I just didn't want to scare you that's why I said I like you when I confessed." He said and my heart almost burst from my chest because it was beating so loud.
"You've just made me the happiest man on earth Beam Baramee. I'm glad we are finally together." I said sincerely.
"Me too, I will make it up to you for the times I made you sad." He said.
"Well I have a few ideas on how you can make it up to me." I said pulling him in for a kiss.
"Let's go to my apartment." He said standing up when I pulled back. I happily followed him. Tonight is going to be a long night even if I'm still hurt. I do wonder what happened between Lam and Park but whatever I will deal with those two tomorrow. Right now I will focus on my boyfriend. I still can't believe he's finally mine.
Hi guys! Sorry for disappearing again. Damn I keep doing that hahaha. This time though it was because I got a job. I decided to take a year off from university since I was starting to hate what I was studying. The day I last updated I went for a job interview and they hired me. I started the day after and I just been so tired. It's my first job and working eight hours on my feet has me tired as fuck. So I'm still getting used to it. I meant to update everyday but then I felt asleep with my phone in my hand after typing a few words hahaha. Good news is I'm in a better place now. I feel more happy now that I'm out of the house and I have a job. So far it's been good! Some of the problems are still there but I'm happier now. Well I won't keep rambling anymore! As always stay safe and I will see you guys on the next chapter hopefully really soon!

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.