Forth's P.O.V.
I haven't talked with Beam since I dropped him off yesterday. We usually don't talk much over the phone because there he can easily ignore me. That's why I choose to go everyday to meds and have lunch with him. Today I won't be able too though. I have a meeting at lunch time with the the hazers since they want me to be next years head hazer. I sighed at the bad timing since yesterday we had that stupid fight at the restaurant. I didn't want him to think it was because of it. I decided to text him to let him know before meeting with Kongpob.
-hey Bee I won't join you for lunch today- F
I sent it then entered the meeting. I wasn't expecting an answer since he's in class for another half an hour before lunch.
The meeting went by quicker than I expected. They went straight to the point on what they will be expecting from me. They will be training me and helping me be ready. Now Kongpob was talking about how it was when he went to Sotus. I noticed my phone which was placed on the table in front of me light up. A lot of messages were coming in but I couldn't see who they were from. The messages stopped and a phone call appeared it was Lam. I looked at my phone confused. I ignored the call for now and looked at the messages.
-ok- Bee
-Are you mad because of yesterday?- BeeI hadn't noticed he messaged me. That was like forty minutes ago. The other texts were from Lam.
-Forth- Lam
-You need to come to the food court ASAP- Lam
-This is serious- Lam
-Beam is here waiting for you- Lam
-he's sitting at our table looking upset- Lam
-Hurry!- LamWhat? Beam is here? Looking upset! Did someone do something to him?!? Without thinking much I stood up. Kongpob was startled.
"Sorry Kongpob but I need to leave. We already discussed everything important right?" I asked and he nodded.
"I guess. You can go now. I'll text you the details for your training." Said Kongpob and I nodded.
"Ok thanks." I said before turning around and leaving. I walked, almost ran to the foodcourt. Effectively there was Beam sitting down at my usual table looking sad.
"Bee are you ok?" I asked sitting down beside him. He just looked down.
"I'm sorry." He said and that just left me more confused.
"Why?" I asked concerned.
"Because of the fight yesterday and for my attitude. I don't know for whatever reason you are mad at me." He said sadly.
"I'm not mad at you!" I said and he looked at me sadly.
"You are! You didn't come to have lunch with me. You always come no matter what. Even when I purposely ignored you, you ate alone at my foodcourt." He said.
"Bee." I started to say but he cut me off.
"No! I'm sorry ok. Don't stop coming to have lunch with me. I'm already used to your company there everyday. I want you to have lunch with me everyday." He said and I smiled.
"Bee I was in a meeting with the hazers since they want me to be next years head hazer. I wasn't going to stop going over there for lunch. It was just for today since I didn't know when the meeting was going to be over. You haven't done anything wrong ok?" I said and he looked at me for a second like making sure I was telling the truth.
"Really?" He asked and in that moment he looked so cute I wanted to pinch his cheeks.
"Yeah I wouldn't lie to you." I said and he smiled.
"Ok sorry for bothering you and coming here unexpectedly though." He said and I shook my head.
"Bee stop saying sorry ok. I will go get us some food. Cheer up ok!" I said standing up and he nodded. I let out a relieved sigh. I thought something bad has happened. It's moments like this that keep me going. He clearly cares. I returned to the table with food and drinks for the both of us.
"Are you ok now?" I said putting my arm around his shoulder. He leaned into me resting his head on my shoulder and nodded.
"Yes thank you for the food." He said.
I looked at Park and Lam who were sitting in front of us. Park gave me a thumbs up and Lam just nodded acknowledging he saw everything.
"Beam you should join us for lunch sometimes too. You are fun to have around. When you're not sulking for Forth that is." Said Park and Beam gasped. I think he forgot they were in front of us hearing everything.
"I was not sulking! I just thought he was mad." Said Beam.
"Yeah right." Snickered Park.
"You are one to talk about! You are always sulking too!" Said Beam turning to look from Park to Lam and back to Park. This time it was Park gasping.
"Ok stop it! This already stopped being fun." Whined Park.
"I don't understand." Said Lam confused looking at all of us.
"It's better you don't." I said before leaning close to Beam and whispering in his ear. "You want to watch the world burn tonight?" He just laughed.
"He started it." Said Beam out loud.
"I take back what I said. Keep him in meds. I don't think he is fun anymore. You agree right Lam?" Said Park sulking and we all burst out laughing including Lam.
"Why are you acting all sulky and spoiled? Are you copying Beams behavior?" Asked Lam and both Park and Beam jaws dropped.
Needless to say they all continue bickering for the whole lunch hour. It was all in good fun though. I was happy to see that Beam wasn't sad anymore. Park and Lam left for class and I walked Beam to his car.
"Thank you." He said leaning against his car.
"For what?" I asked tilting my head.
"Just for being here for me. I know I Can be a difficult person. Today I even thought I pushed you away. But you're still here." He said and I pulled him over to me and hugged him. I wanted to kiss him but I'll settle for a hug for now.
"I will always be there for you Bee." I said and he hugged me tighter.
"Thank you!" He said before letting go of the big and leaving.

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.