Beam's P.O.V.
Today the day has been uneventful. It was more of a routine. We had breakfast and mingled with everyone. We tried to stay close and talk casually every once in a while but it was proving to be difficult. Forth was distancing himself today barely talking to me. Today's game was a team one. It was the three legged race. We used to practice this one every year before we had to do it. This time we didn't get to.
"Ok everyone round up. The next game is about to begin." Announced my mom. I walked with Forth to the starting line. Forth's mom was the one to tie my left foot to Forths right foot. We got into our places and I was determined to win. It quickly proved to be a hassle when Forth tried to keep his distance and wasn't touching me. I bet we looked more like idiots than we were supposed to since Forth was leaning away from me. His actions were making it harder to balance ourselves. I tried to move closer but he moved further away so we weren't touching. I glared at him.
"Stop that! We are going to loose!" I said mad.
"What? I'm not doing anything." He said and we were slowly making our way. Currently the last ones. At this rate we would loose our spot.
"You are such an idiot sometimes." I said circling my arm around his waist pulling us closer. We have practiced this thousands of times and we know this works. "Round your hand around my shoulders like when we practice and start moving fast." I said and he seemed surprised but complied. We started going faster and making our way. We didn't have to win first place we just had to make it to the next round.
As I was looking up I noticed Park and Lam made it to the end. Then my dad and Forths dad were a team. We were currently behind them.
"We are going to make it." Said Forth and I nodded determined.
"Hell yeah we are." I said proud.
When we were close to the finish line I got excited and started walking a bit faster. Forth was trying to keep up and we made it second to last place. However after we crossed the line since we were walking way too fast I tripped. Forth quickly noticed and grabbed me by the waist pulling me towards him. We ended in an awkward position since our legs were still tied. My head was currently pressed against his chest and I could hear his heart beating wildly. Surprised I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. I turn my head but since we were so close it ended pressed more against his chest. I could hear his heart beating wildly and I looked up at him surprised. The way he was looking at me anyone could tell he was really in love with me. It made my breath hitch. How have I never noticed this before? At that moment mom came and untied our feet. I didn't even have time to say anything because Forth quickly left. I looked around feeling a little lost for a second but mom pulled me away with her.
"What happened?" She asked and I looked around to make sure no one was listening.
"I tripped?" I said confused.
"Not about that. With Forth." She said.
"I don't know mom. I'm just as confused. I...I really don't know." I said sadly and she sighed.
"Beam honey you need to figure out what you want. I think you are hurting Forth maybe not intentionally but you are still doing it." She said and I sighed.
"I don't know what to do. Yesterday I talked with him I thought we came to an agreement but now I'm not sure." I sighed. She patted my back.
"Im sure you will figure it out." She said and I nodded. I walked to the house in search of Forth. I wanted to ask what was wrong. I found him in the kitchen talking with Park and Lam. Their conversation caught my attention so I hid to listen.

Forth Beam short stories 2
FanficA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.