I want you for myself (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was focusing on driving quickly to the moon competition. I didn't want to be with Forth and his nonsense anymore. I almost forgot to stop at the flower shop.

"Hey didn't you say we needed to pick the roses?" Asked Forth and I facepalmed.

"Yeah thanks for reminding me a few minutes later and I would've passed by it." I said noticing the flower shop was a few stores down the road. I quickly parked in front of it and Forth followed me inside. "Why are you following me?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know, I wanted to." He said and I just walked to the counter where a lady greeted us.

"Good evening! How can I help you?" She asked.

"We are here to pick up a hundred roses under the name of Phana." I said and she nodded.

"Oh yeah I will get them for you. Anything else?" She asked and I was about to say no when Forth talked.

"Actually can you give me one more? Separate from the hundred." Said Forth and I rolled my eyes annoyed. What the hell! Phana bought a hundred what is one rose compared to that.

"You bring them to the car I will wait outside." I said annoyed. I turned around and walked away without waiting for his answer. Stupid idiot. One rose? That's just stupid! Wayo won't even notice it. But he still went and bought it. I looked at Forth who was paying for his single rose since Phanas flowers were already paid for. I guess he is right. I am jealous. Forth walked outside with the giant bouquet and I opened my car for him to put it inside. Without saying a word I just walked to the drivers seat. A second later Forth got in. Ugh I should've left him there. Silence engulfed the car until Forth let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked annoyed turning to look at him for a second.

"You." He said and I was grateful we had stopped at a red light.

"What do you mean me you idiot?!?" I said turning to glare at him.

"Two words." He said and I scrunched my face in confusion.

"What?" I asked looking ahead since the light changed.

"Jealous Monster." He said and I seriously wanted to punch him.

"You really want me to leave you at the side of the road." I said annoyed.

"I'd prefer ir if you wouldn't." He said.

"Then shut your mouth."

"But I like teasing you." He wined and I took a deep breath. Someone is resting my patience.

"Fine keep teasing me but you are warned. Don't be surprised when I kicked you out." I said and he laughed.

"Fineeee." He said dragging the e sound.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the faculty. I quickly got out of the car walking to get the stupid roses out. As I opened the door to the backseat Forth closed it again with his hand.

"You have a death wish." I said getting mad.

"Wait a second let's talk."

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked confused.

" I didn't think things through so I get how you misinterpreted my actions. But this is for you." He said handing me the single rose. I could feel my face heat up.

"What?" Was the only thing I could say.

"I wanted to buy one for you didn't know you'd assume it was for Wayo like you probably did. I mean you're stupid he already has a hundred there why does he need more? But whatever, you better take it though." Rambled Forth still with his hand stretched out with the rose.

"You idiot why would I even think it was for me!" I said taking it. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment.

"You look cute when you're embarrassed." He said poking my cheek and I slapped his hand away.

"Stop it with your nonsense." I said again. Forth was about to say something when we were interrupted by Phana.

"What's up with you two? Did you steal one of the roses?" Asked Phana approaching us and I immediately put the rose behind me even if he had seen it which made him raise and eyebrow looking between me and Forth.

"Nothing." I said nervous. He looked like he didn't believe me and Forth was just quietly looking at me which really didn't help at all.

"I don't have time for this right now. I will take the roses and the gift. Thanks a lot for your help Beam I owe you one. We will talk tomorrow." He said and I nodded grateful for the distraction. I opened the car door for him to take the roses which he did. He gave both of us a look for a second before leaving. Probably deciding we weren't worth his time right now. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Are you staying for the competition? Like to watch? Or did you came just because you had to give Phana the roses and the necklaces?" Asked Forth and I shrugged.

"I don't know I have nothing better to do. But I am tired of seeing their performance since I was at practice so I've seen everyone's show like a thousand times already. So I'll probably leave when I get bored." I said and Forth nodded thinking about it.

"Well I have to do the introduction since your friend Phana basically forced me since he said I didn't help at all during the rehearsal. But after that I don't Olán on staying since he's the one announcing the winner and as you I've seen it all already. So what do you say we ditch everyone after my introductory speech." Said Forth and I thought about it for a second.

I bet I will probably have more fun going somewhere with Forth than watching everything again. Phana already has Wayos gifts too. Kit said he isn't coming so I will be alone.

"Sure let's go somewhere else after your speech." I said and he smiled.

"Great I will see you by the door as soon as I get off stage." He said and I nodded watching him walk way to the hall where the activity was held. Let's see what the night bring us.

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