Chasing you (part 19)

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Forth's P.O.V.

"Bee." I said pulling him in for a hug. He started to cry hugging me tightly. I did the same.

"I'm sorry." He said between sobs. Right now I was just focused on calling him down.

I managed to walk us to his room without breaking the hug. I sat down on the bed and he did the same. Seeing him like this breaks my heart. When he stopped sobbing I took my time to look at him. He had bags under his eyes seems like he hasn't slept a lot. His eyes and nose all red and puffy from the crying. There was a silence. He was still in my embrace and seemed like he stopped crying but he wasn't saying anything. I took my time thinking what I should say. Not a minute had passed when I felt more of Beams weight on myself. I looked down and he seemed to be sleeping. I let out a relieved sigh. I didn't know what to say. I shouldn't even be here. I moved Beam so he was resting more comfortably on the bed. As I was moving away he gripped my hand tightly.

"Don't leave. Please." He said and I did as told laying beside him. He instantly scooted closer resting his head on my chest. I let him. Lam was right. One tear from him and look where I am. I don't mind though. I grabbed my phone which was on silent. There were five missed calls from Lam. He was mad mad. I ignored it and focused on the text message from Phana.

-Is everything alright? I noticed he let you in. Let me know if you guys need anything.- Phana.

-Everything is ok. We haven't talked or anything. He just cried then fell asleep.- F

-Let him sleep please he hasn't been able to all week.-Phana

-Ok.- F

After that I put my phone on the table beside me.  I'll let him sleep for now. But we need to have a serious talk when he wakes up. I can't just go back to that game we were playing when one day he wants me close and the next he ignores me. We need to figure out what we are going to be. Eventually I fell asleep too. Surprisingly I woke up before him. I instantly got worried and shook him a bit.

"Bee are you ok?" I asked and he opened his eyes a little.

"Huh." He said confused and I smiled.

"Are you ok?" I asked again.

"Yeah." He mumbled snuggling against my chest again.

"I need to get up. We need to eat something." I said and he groaned.

"Five more minutes." He said more awake this time. I let him rest for a while. Eventually he sat down.

"I could sleep the whole day." He said.

"Go freshen up I will start making breakfast." I said and he nodded. I made something simple just some omelets. We sat down to eat and he was awake now. I could see the sadness in his eyes again.

"Why did you come yesterday?" He asked when we were almost done eating.

"I heard you hadn't come out of your room in a week." I said and he sighed.

"So what? It's not like you should care anyway." He said looking away and I sighed.

"I do care. Feelings don't just go away." I said and his eyes started tearing up.

"If you have feelings for me then why did you leave me." He stubbornly said not looking at me. I could see the tears again.

"You know why I did. I can't keep on being hurt by you Bee. My heart can only take so much. Or you think I wasn't hurt every time you pulled away? But I put on a brave face and continued to be there for you. In the end I was exhausted. I was at the point where I would overthink every interaction with you thinking that everything will make you run away from me." I said and he was thoughtful for a while.

"So when you were acting weird it was because you were scared of how would I react?" He asked his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes but can you blame me. No matter what I did it seemed like it was always wrong and you would ignore me the next day." I said.

"I'm sorry, for acting that way. I was scared and only focused on my feelings. I didn't even think about how it would affect you." He said sadly.

"It's ok." I said and he looked at me hopeful.

"Would you give me one last chance?" He asked and I sighed.

"I don't know if you're ready for that Bee. I can't take much more of you giving me hope than crushing it. I will walk away if we keep on playing this game." I said seriously and he nodded.

"I know I thought I would never see you again after last time. But it helped me realize what I was doing. I thought I was protecting myself too. I've been focusing on myself only while you were looking out for me. I took it for granted because I was scared. When in reality I had nothing to be scared about. You proved me again and again that you won't hurt. I still let my insecurities cloud my judgment. I didn't even realize until you let me. I feel like the worst person ever. I thought I lost you forever and that broke my heart. I just need one chance please." He said and I closed my eyes. I hope he is telling the truth. He had me since yesterday when he opened that door. But I needed to make sure he won't do the same again.

"Ok I'll give you a chance." I said and he smiled then basically almost jumped from his chair to mine tackling me in a hug.

"You won't regret it." He said when he pulled back from the hug. He was now sitting on my lap. Looking at him smiling brightly I knew it was worth it even if he broke my heart again. "I know is too soon but can I tell you something?" He asked and I nodded.

"I love you." He said softly and my heart melted.

"I love you too Bee." I said sincerely. He smiled brightly before slowly coming closer. I let him not moving away. His lips finally touched mine. It was a slow kiss full of love. I really hope things go well this time.

"I'm not running away this time." He said resting his forehead against mine.

"You already said you love me I won't let you run away." I said and he laughed resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"How about we rest some more? We are both tired." I said and he nodded.

"Yes please." He said not moving. I picked him up and walked us to the bed.

"Thank you for not giving up on us." He said snuggling against my chest. It didn't take much for him to fall asleep again.

I texted Phana and Lam to let them know everything was ok before drifting off to sleep again. It was a stressful week we were both tired. But I can say I'm happy and I'd do it over again if I had to.


Next chapter is going to be the end for this story! Thank you all for your patience and continuing to read my stories! That's all for now. As always stay safe and I will see you guys on the next chapter!

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