51•The Truth

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• Maddi POV •

I woke up to people talking. I've been waking up by the softest sounds possible, this whole incident has made me really cautious. I didn't move and I kept my eyes closed just to eavesdrop. Maybe I would be notified on something I'm not being told.

The voices were Laura, James, and an unknown.

"You could possibly get him taken back under custody." The unknown voice spoke. "but I'm not. I'll fight for him." Laura said. I heard James sigh, "I love Maddi, but I can't really let my personal life with her interfere anymore with my job than it already has, if you want to keep Mason she can't have him with her like she did. He has to be under your surveillance at all times." He said.

"I understand, I'll do anything to keep the kid." Laura said. "If you were able to keep him, which is not up to me at this point, your licence to adopt or work in the fields with kids would be cancelled." The unknown voice said. I heard Laura sigh.

"I care about him, I'll have anything done for me to keep him." She announced. "Mason's case is being paused as of now considering the victim is unstable. The man who found him is being questioned hopefully as we speak, we still don't know what really happened, but maybe things will clear up when Mason wakes up today." James said, "We can get a statement from him and then we can continue with our investigation."

That was probably the most sophisticated I've ever heard him be.

"As long as he's safe I don't care what happens." Laura said. I heard someone shuffling around, "It's about time for everyone to wake up anyways, we should stop our conversation and start doing our job." The unknown voice spoke.


"Mason Greene." The doctor said, it was like everyone in the waiting room was there for him, everyone stood up. "Only family can see him right now, two people at a time." He said.

Laura and I made eye contact before she nodded signaling me it was okay for me to go with her.

We followed the doctor to the room Mason was in and he was sitting up as a nurse was speaking to him. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked him, "None. I was shot, that doesn't make me stupid." He said. She laughed, "You're right, but it's my job. I'll be back with some breakfast." She said, then disappeared.

Laura and I approached him and he frowned. "I'm assuming I have to confess now." He mumbled. "Mason, this ins't a game." I snapped. Hearing that conversation earlier about him made me angry. I wasn't up for any games.

"Sorry." He muttered. "Sweetie, we need you to tell us everything." Laura said. Someone opened the door.

It was James and the doctor. "I have to sit in here and make sure he isn't being told to lie or being manipulated." He announced sitting in a chair beside the bed. The doctor exited.

"What happened?" Laura asked, he shrugged and looked down. "Mason..." I trailed, he sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it." He said.

I tugged at my hair stress-fully. I placed my hands over my face, "You don't have a choice Mason." James told him. I sighed, "We're worried about you Mason, you were shot for gods sake, that's enough pain to be in and if you don't start answering to us then you won't be the only one in pain." I said.

He shook his head and looked down. I got up feeling defeated and headed for the door. "I'm going to get a water and when I come back you're gonna speak." I demanded. He shrugged as I exited.

Jennifer and Abi were standing outside the door. "Grace." I greeted, she smiled, "Can I go see Mason?" She asked, I nodded, "but only for a while, he's hurt and it's really serious." I told her. She was family, she was allowed to see him. "Only two people at a time, Laura's inside and so is James. She'll be fine." I told Jennifer who tried to go in after her.

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now