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• Mason POV •

I had put on a black shirt and a pair of sweats, I wasn't feeling it today. I woke up craving it, I know it's bad, but I can't stop myself. I had plans today and those didn't involve school.

I dug in my pocket and pulled out the money I was collecting, I counted out forty dollars. "Mason." Maddi called out quietly walking into my room. I turned around, "Carter's outside." She told me, I nodded shoved the money in my sweats pocket.

I grabbed my bag and walked out. "Can I have some money for lunch?" I asked her, she nodded, "Yeah." she grabbed her wallet and pulled out five dollars. That wasn't enough, I needed seventy dollars, all I have now is forty-five.

I took it and walked out, when I got in Carter's car he looked at me weirdly. "What's wrong with your eyes?" he asked. I shrugged, "I'm just tired, I woke up like ten minutes ago." He nodded unsure.

When he pulled into my school he asked if I was okay again, I nodded. "Hey, can I have some lunch money?" I asked him, he nodded. "Yeah, man." He smiled and went through his wallet and gave me a ten dollar bill. I took it and got out the car. I waited until he was gone and out of sight to walk the opposite way of the school.

I walked to a little alley behind a house and there was already my friends back there. "Sup Dylan." I greeted. He stood up and slapped my hand. "Are you high?" Ty asked me. I laughed, "A little." I said, nodding. "Do you have your money, the guy is coming." Ty said. I nodded, and my phone started ringing.

It was Dianna. "Hey babe." I answered. "Where are you? The bell is gonna ring in like two minutes." She said, I sighed, "I'm not coming today, I'm sick." I lied, I didn't want her to know about the whole smoking thing. After all I'm only fourteen so it's not really something to broadcast.

"Oh, I hope you feel better, I can stop by after school to bring you a sprite." She said. "I moved in with my sister so you can't." I said, "I gotta go, if she comes in here and finds me on the phone I'll get in trouble." I lied. I heard her sigh, "Okay, I hope you feel better, bye." She said, after I said bye we hung up.

"You're not gonna last with her." Dylan told me, I shrugged, "I'll tell her everything when I'm sure she loves me." I told him. Ty and Dylan both shrugged. I walked over to Austin and punched his shoulder, "You're too quiet." I laughed. He shrugged and started smoking from his joint.

I sat down and about ten minutes I was fully high. "Is it weird that uh there's more nipples in the world than people?" Austin asked lazily. I laid my head back and laughed for two seconds. "Nipples are nice, I don't care how many nipples there are." Ty said, "That's gross bitch, boys have nipples too." Dylan said smacking him.

A car pulled in really shortly, two people came out, "Aye, this is Allen and Chris." Ty introduced, I nodded and looked at them. "Did you bring," Dylan said leaning up, "the stuff?" He whispered, laughing. Allen nodded, "Get the money." He told Chris. He walked around and grabbed everyone's money.

"You only gave fifty-five." He said, I shrugged, "I can have the rest by tomorrow." He laughed and shook his head, "Alright, but I chose when I get my money, you bring me the money when I say I want it kid." He demanded. I shrugged, Austin leaned over on his right side and farted.

I laughed, "Alright, see you whenever kid." Allen said, they got in the car again and left. "You owe a drug dealer money Mason." Dylan said, I shrugged, "My sister's in love with someone who has a gold iPhone six, I can get the money whenever." I shrugged, it was only ten dollars or whatever.

"If he doesn't get the rest of it, you're in trouble man, he's not your age and he sure as hell ain't gonna let that get in the way of his business." Ty informed me, I shrugged. "I don't give a fuck."

"I got my weed so I'm fine." I said getting up, I put the plastic bag in my book bag and started walking off. I know Maddi is working right now, so I can just go home. But no, instead I walked back to the school, I passed a hall window that showed me a clock. It was only ten past nine. Still first period, so I walked to the portables where I normally walk Dianna to class.

I knocked on the window where her seat was, she looked up, "I thought you were sick." She whisper shouted at me. I shrugged, "Come out." I demanded. She stood up and asked the teacher to use the bathroom. He nodded and she came out.

"Oh god, you look terrible." She groaned walking close to me, she started sniffing only to be disappointed though. "What's that smell?" She asked knowingly, "Where you with Tyler?" she snapped. I shrugged and grabbed her waist. I pecked her lips and she backed away, she pushed me back a bit too.

"What?" I spat. She shook her head, "I can't believe this. Are you high?" She asked me, I shrugged, "I could be." I laughed, she smacked me softly, "Mason, your sister's gonna be pissed." She snapped. "I'm pissed, why would you smoke whatever it was you were smoking!?" She shouted.

I put my finger over her lips, "Shh." I said quietly, she smacked my hand away, "I can't believe you. This is unhealthy Mason, you're too young to be doing this you can die." She frowned. I shrugged, "I wanna die." I laughed. She shook her head and walked back to her class.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.


I was walking around for a while, I spent the rest of the school day at Maddi's apartment then I left out when I heard her and Carter pulling in, I texted her something and snuck out the back so they wouldn't come get me.

I was walking around again, it started getting dark so I headed home. Someone hunked at me, I turned around and saw bright flashing lights.

I recognized the car as Allen and Chris's I think so I stopped. I looked around, there was a pond near me. Where the hell do ponds even come from?

They got out the car, "You got the money?" Allen spoke when they were in front of me.


Fuckiing cliff hanger !!!!

now you guys know why Mason's been a little bitch .

comment what you think is gonna happen (btw it doesn't always have to be bad)

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