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• Maddi POV •

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked down at it to see Matthew's name flashing. I assumed it we Carter. He told me he'd call everyday, I didn't hear from him after the night after James and I slept together. Even though we said we'd take a break.... He should've called like he said.

I answered it, it was like seven am. "Hello?" I answered quietly. He started laughing loudly, I moved the phone up a little and turned down the volume. "Why are you calling me so early?" I whispered. He chuckled, "Are you drunk?" I asked.

"Why are you whispering? Are you with someone?" He asked. I sighed looking down at James' sleeping body. "Did you move on? I thought you loved me." He slurred into my ear. "You're drunk, call me when you aren't." I said, "Bye." I mumbled hanging up.

I laid back down and James rolled over laying his arms around my body. I closed my eyes and tried going back to sleep. "Who was that?" He asked deeply. "I thought you were sleeping." I muttered. He shrugged and looked up at me, "I was, who was that?" He asked. I was pretty sure he already knew considering he has the hearing of an owl.

"Carter. He was drunk." I informed him, he shrugged, "Go back to sleep, it's seven."

I nodded and he laid back and pulled me on him. I smiled as his hands moved down my back and to my ass. That was one of the things James and Carter had in common. They both like touching my butt, then again, what guy doesn't.

"I'm going to sleep." he said. I nodded and I closed my eyes again. I didn't and couldn't go to sleep, I was wondering why Carter would choose now of all days to call me, it's been about a month since the last time he did.

I tip toed to the kitchen, careful to not wake up his family, and I got myself a bottle of water and sat on top of the counter.

I heard foot steps and I thought it would be James. It wasn't so early anymore, it was like ten. When I looked at the door frame, it was his mom. I smiled at her, she was really gorgeous. She was dressed in her work attire.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked. I shrugged, "I couldn't sleep." I smiled, she referred to ten being early because James normally wakes up later than this.

"I'm gonna head out to work." She said, I nodded and she left out. I walked back up to James' room to see him sitting there pulling on clothes. I smiled and walked over to him. I pushed him back and sat on his lap.

He smirked and placed his hands around my butt. "I was going to take you out today."

There was plenty ways to take someone out, but for some reason... The only thing that came to mind was that he was going to kill me. "Where we going?" I asked. He shrugged, "I'm not going to tell you." I rolled my eyes playfully at him before getting up.

I had showered and put on something nice, jeans and a nice blouse. And we were off.

He pulled in shortly into a restaurant. So he wasn't going to kill me, he was just simply taking me out. I smiled and we walked inside.

We ordered food and just stared at each other for a while, but then my phone started to ring. I looked down and it was Sadie. I ignored the call because I'd feel too bad if I answered it while on a date.

"Was that Rice boy?" James asked. I shook my head laughing at the old nickname his 'fans' gave him two years ago. "No, it was Sadie." I informed him. He nodded, "When we get back what's your plan?" He asked me.

I smiled thinking about Mason and then I wanted to cry after thinking about Carter. It's hard to get over someone you've loved for so long. "I actually have a new job now." I told him. I know when I decided to leave, I figured I wasn't going to start working there so quickly. It was going to take a couple of months so I could've been here. He smiled, "That's good." he said, I nodded because it was.

"Yeah, Matthew's-" I started, but I got cut off because my phone was ringing. He looked down at it, "Answer it. I won't care." He shrugged. I excused myself thankfully and went outside.

"Hello?" I answered. "Where are you?" Sadie asked. I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "Are you going to tell Carter?" I asked. She huffed. "No, I am not actually, just tell me." She pleaded.

"I'm in Ohio." I answered. She laughed, "Why are you all the way out there?"

I was going to answer her, but I saw someone walking my direction. "Hey can I call you back later? I promise I will." I said. She huffed again, "You better because if not I'll have to track your phone down then come get you." she said. We exchanged goodbyes then hung up.

"Excuse me don't I know you?" I said to the lady, she had a little girl. The same little girl from two years ago, at the the magcon event, from the park, in Ohio. Her eyes widened. "Maddi!?" She exclaimed.

"I thought you passed away in the fire." she added.

I looked down at the little girl. "Is that-" I began. "Gracie, yes it is." she cut me off. Stood in front of me, was who, I think, was my mom's best friend, but why would she have Abigail if she died in the fire?

"Mommy, can we go, I'm really hungry?" Abigail said, I looked down at her, she smiled at me, "Hey I remember you!"


Oh shit cliffhanger !!!! Lol

What's gonna happen in the next chapter ? Guess !!!

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now