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• Maddi POV •

"You're going to be late!" Tyler said jumping on the bed in my room. I shot up. "Late for what!?" I panicked. She sat down and laughed at me, one of the many things I absolutely hated with a passion, but some what loved about Tyler was this.

"Just kidding, you're so cute, but you told me to wake you up today so you wouldn't be late for your case." She told me. I looked at the clock then I hit her with the closest thing next to me which was my hand. "It's two in the morning!" I fussed. She laughed again, "Yeah, but it's still another day." She pointed out. I sighed and laid back. "I'm going to sleep." I said. She smiled and got up.

"I'm staying." She said lifting up the cover, she got in the bed and laid next to me so our faces were facing each other.

I closed my eyes and attempted to go back to sleep. "You look cute when you're fake sleeping." She said. I chuckled and I felt her kiss my forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie." She said in a motherly voice. I laughed slightly.

I woke up a little past seven, but that was fine because the court didn't start until almost ten. I got up and showered and did my hair and makeup. I went back to the room and saw an outfit on the bed.

"I bought you that. Consider it a late birthday gift or an extra early one." Tyler said walking in. "What you had on last time was hideous so I got you something that said 'I am responsible and have a thong in my ass' you like?"

I laughed and nodded before hesitating to hug her, but I was only in a towel.

"Thank you." I smiled to her. She shrugged and left so I could put it on. I did, it was a pair of long black slack looking skinny jeans and peplum white shirt with black flats. Once I put the outfit on I went ahead out.

"Can I come this time?" She asked. "I wanna support you and your brother." She said. I almost retched from that word. Brother. My brother wouldn't of had been that way, he would've remembered me. They did something to him. They brainwashed him.

"Yes you can. Thank you so much." I said. She ran to her room and then the bathroom. I heard the shower cut on and within ten to fifteen minutes she came out. "I paid attention to the time." She smiled. She must've really cared because her showers and time getting ready consists of a thousand minutes.

She was wearing navy blue sun dress with brown sandals. Her hair was dryed out naturally into it's gorgeous waves that I'd envied, but I know when we were experimenting with our hair she got a perm. She wanted to be a cosmetologist and so far she's amazing.

We had left out, I looked at the time and saw we would've been about thirty minutes early so I stopped to get us some food. How ironic is it that we're orphans who have money to spend, but no jobs? We just got picked from the best den mother. Or whatever you'd call Mrs. Martin.

"I'll be in and out." I told her. I went inside McDonald's and ordered us a meal. I think I waited about ten minutes for it to be done. The door dinged and I thought it would be Tyler. But it wasn't. It was, like always, the last person I ever wanted to encounter.

-guess who before you look!-
















Jacob. I avoided eye contact and tried to go through the emergency exit. "Ma'am, please go through that door." A lady said. I turned around with a look of anxiety. That's what I was getting.

"Maddi." Jacob said. And I'll admit. He is really hot, he was hot then, but now he's a man.

"Can we talk?" He asked. I shook my head, "No sorry. I have to go." I spoke.

"I know you saw me at the party, Maddi. Speak to me, aside from all the mixed emotions we had, I actually cared about you." He said ignoring my demands of wanting to leave. I scoffed, there weren't any mixed emotions though.

"Can we just start all the way over?" He pleaded. I rolled my eyes and shook my head no. He kept begging and begging until I caved in. "Fine, Jacob!" I shouted. He smiled with a satisfying look. "My name is Jacob. I know you're Not Caring So Shut Up." He said.

I hit him in the chest. "You just had to fucking ruin it." I fussed. He started chuckling. "No when we first met I told you my name and that's what you responded with." He spoke. I thought hard so I could remember what he was talking about.


"I'm Jacob." he said. I glared at him, "and I'm not caring so shut up." I said. I didn't understand what was with this guy. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look at him. I wouldn't I kept looking away.

He finally grew tired and pushed me against the wall and put both arms either side of my head so I wouldn't move. I looked him in the eyes. He smiled in a satisfying way. "What do you want?" I snapped. He shrugged, "a lot of things, but mainly I want to talk to you."

End of flashback

"See." He smiled. A smile that made my heart flutter and probably not in the good way, but the he's gonna play me again way so I brushed it off. "I have to go." I said. He grabbed my arm to stop me from walking away.

"I really did miss you, Maddi, after that incident at Matthew's house, I constantly thought of you. I thought I wanted to be with Mahogany, but I only wanted you. I know you're never going to be with me again, but I want you to know there wasn't a second I didnt think about how you would fall asleep in my arms on the couches in the magcon hotels and you had a small smile on your lips, I really did care." He told me.

I felt like I could cry, either from being happy or for being angry because he could be tricking me. Either way I was going to cry. "I care about you too Jacob," I said.



But cliff hanger Lol what's she gonna say next ?

the next chapter will be dedicated to the person who comes the closest to it and you get a follow and whatever else is special haha

But umm .. comments and .. votes

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now