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• Carter's POV •

I didn't get any sleep after we left the hospital. Maddi cried herself to sleep last night, she was currently still sleeping and I envied that.

No matter how much I wanted to cry, I didn't. I had to be strong for her, I felt like if I were to cry she'd completely lose it.

My thoughts were interrupted by her small phone ringing. I ignored it and looked down at her, she had a deep frown on her face and her cheeks were tear stained.

I started drifting off to sleep and then she jumped up and knocked it away. "Carter." she cried. I grabbed her waist and pulled her back into me.

"I'm right here, don't worry." I cooed. She started crying again, "Carter, my baby is gone." She said. I hugged her close to my chest and rubbed her back. "Please stop crying." I said.

She shook her head and tried to get up, "What are you doing?" I asked getting up also.

She started walking around my room, "I need to get away from here, Carter!" she yelled stopping.

"You don't understand how much of a failure I feel like right now! God, every time I get happy something gets taken away from me, it's like I was destined to have the most fucked up life! I honestly just feel like dying, like I want to fucking kill myself!" She yelled poking her fingers on her chest. She winced slightly.

Everything that came out her lips pissed me off, I was getting so mad. I reached out and grabbed the closest thing to me, I didn't care what it was and I didn't look at it either. I chunked it across the room, not where she was, but I close. Close enough to shut her up.

"Maddi, shut the fuck up!" I fussed, a loud cry escaped from her mouth and she rushed over to what I threw. She fell to her knees and started panicking and I looked at what had broken to pieces and was currently laying on the floor.

I walked over to her quietly, I was terrified at what might've happened next. I was scared that she was going to throw the broken glass at me. When I got near her, She was crying immensely.

Her face was turning a soft pink colour and she was shaking, but there wasn't any noises coming out. She was barely breathing.

I slowly kneeled down and grabbed her body and brought it closely to mine. She rested there for a couple of seconds then she pushed me back. She stood up to her feet and she looked around the room pulling on her hair. I flinched when she turned around and walked closer to me.

Something I learned from my girlfriend. She's crazy as hell, and that scared me because she was being so quiet at the moment. I mean, I had just thrown our miscarriage against the wall and it broke.

I stood up and grabbed her waist before anything could happen. I didn't expect her to hit me, but no. She turned around quickly and punched me in the mouth. I tasted blood, but before I could react she had punched me again.

She kept going, I expected her to apologize instantly, but no. She kept going. She was kicking my ass at the moment. I grabbed her hands to keep her from hitting me, but she just used me to hit my own self. I didn't want to hurt her, but she wouldn't stop.

I grabbed her wrists tighter and she winced again. "Let me go!" She screamed. I did when she stopped moving, she had her head rested on my chest and she cried again. After she was done crying she pushed me again and started hitting me.

I grabbed her arms and wrapped them around her body, I had her restrained. "Get the fuck off of me!" She yelled. She was stomping on my foot and digging her nails into my hands.

I wasn't going to let her go, but she started to bite me. Once I let her go she turned around again and smacked me.

"Stop!" I yelled at her, I grabbed her fists and she started kicking my feet again. "Let me go!" She yelled, I shook my head and as soon as I did that she kneed me in my sack.

I dropped down to my knees, letting her go.

I watched her in pain as she walked to the door and stopped, she spotted something and grabbed it. She chunked it at the wall the closest to me, it was my phone. I watched as it slammed into the wall and cracked like the jar I'd thrown.

The only sound left from the room was her ringing phone. "Fuck you!" She yelled grabbing her stuff and storming out. I just laid there on the ground in pain.

• Maddi POV •

My phone rang again, this time instead of ignoring it I answered. It was Tyler and I needed a ride. I was almost at our apartment, but I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Thank god you answered. Okay, I know you're in a really bad place right now, but this is super important. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, but Mrs. Martin knew that you were pregnant this whole time. She didn't wanna let you go so she kept it a secret, but the board found out and they fired her. Maddi, we're getting kicked out." She spoke quickly.

My heart rate increased I felt like if it went any faster I'd die. "They also had found out about my boyfriend, you know because he's twenty two and now that they know this we can't live there anymore. I'd offer you to live with us, but you'd have to go out of state. We're going to the Himalayas where he was born, but I assume you'll be with Carter." She babbled.

I hung up and walked faster.

By the time I got there, Tyler was sitting outside in a pair of shorts. "Damn, I thought you were going to get here faster, that's why I was wearing shorts. We have a week to get out." She said.

"Did you walk out here?" She asked. "Where the hell is Carter!? I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!" She shouted grabbing my arm.

"What happened?" She asked looking in my eyes. I shook my head, "He was still sleeping. He didn't know I left." I lied. She nodded, "Well, are you okay? What went on after you got to the hospital?" She asked.

I shrugged, "My baby didn't make it. I'll be fine." I lied. I won't ever be fine, I wouldn't ever be able to try and have another child ever again. I'm emotionally scarred for the rest of my life.

"Let's just go inside, I want to just go to sleep and I'll pack everything when I wake up." I mumbled walking past her and into the apartment.


Guys don't hate me , hate the characters :3

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now