47•Moving In

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• Maddi POV •

"Come on, you're gonna make everyone late again." I said walking in Mason's room. It wasn't really his room, but it might as well have been. It smelt really gross, I would say I smelt it before, but I didn't wanna think about it. I opened the closet door next to his room in the hall and grabbed some air freshener.

"It smells really bad in here." I laughed, he rolled his eyes. "Let's just go." He snapped getting up, he walked past me, shoulder checking me in the process.

"Okay." I said following him.

"You were talking about me making you late again, yet you're the one walking like a snail." He spat. "Hey, not all snails are slow, have you seen turbo?" I asked jokingly. He didn't say anything. When his school was close, he stopped walking.

"You can go back now." He said quietly, I shrugged. "I miss this school, come on." I said continuing to walk. He shook his head, but started walking again.

When we got up there he stopped before we were actually near the front door. "You can go back now." He repeated. "Mason!" Someone shouted. "Bye." He said, I followed him, "Can I not meet your friends?" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and ignored me as his friend got closer. "Hey." He said holding out his hand for me. I smiled and shook it. "I'm Maddi, are you Mason's friend?" I asked trying to make a conversation. He laughed and nodded, "Are you his girl? Mason why didn't you tell me you had pretty friends?" He flirted.

I laughed and Mason punched him, since when was he violent? "That's my fucking sister."

He scoffed. My jaw dropped, but instead of embarrassing him, I let his word go. "Well that's even better." He smirked.

"Actually, I should get going, bye Mason. It was nice meeting you." I said, "My name's Dylan." He smiled. I nodded and started walking away.

As I was walking back to my apartment a car drove by, "Get in." Carter instructed after rolling down the window. I smiled and got in. "Thank you." I said. He nodded, "I'm stopping by Laura's then I can take you where you need to go." He said. I shrugged and put on my seat belt.

The drive was really short and quiet, but I got there alive so I didn't really care.

"Hey." I said when we walked inside. Matthew and Sadie were sitting on the couch and Laura was walking in the living room with something to drink. "Wow, what a convention."

She smiled as we got seated. I laughed.

"Where's my dad?" Matthew asked, "He's on a business trip, you know how that goes." She said. He shrugged, "Not really considering he was never around in the first place." Matthew mumbled, it was quiet for like two minutes.

"So, how's Mason been?" Laura asked. I sighed, "I actually don't even know," I laughed, "he seemed fine, but then this morning he acted like how he was when he was with that other family."

"Yeah, he's a really moody kid." Laura said. "He reminds me of you."

"How would you feel if I told you Mason could stay with you until he's a Sophomore?" Laura asked me, I smiled, "Really?" I asked, and she nodded. That would really be not that long

honestly because it's already May and he's a Freshman now, but I'll take it.

"I'll pick him up and bring him here so he can get a few outfits." I said, "but I have to go." I lied. Carter stood up after I did. "It was nice seeing you today." Laura said, I smiled and agreed.

"You didn't have to come, I'm fine on my own." I assured him, he shook his head, "You are eighteen." He reminded me. I shrugged, "and?" I questioned him. "You're still a teenager, you need my appearance." He laughed. I shrugged, he was only two years older than me, it's not like I would get kidnapped.


Carter and I were sitting on my bed reliving our old memories.

"I snuck you out to see Jacob and we ended up kissing. I wanted you so bad." He said,

"Yeah, just for that one day." I laughed, he shook his head, "No, I wanted you for a long time, the moment you ran out the room the first time I saw you, I hated you, but I secretly wanted you. I just realized I had to have you when I was trying to get you to dance, I wanted you even more when I came out the hotel room and you were reading your book with Jacob, I wanted to kill him." He announced.

I laughed, "I wanted to kill you and Lana." I said, he shrugged, "I actually wanted to have a serious relationship with her, but she leaked my number and all million of my followers were calling me like every two seconds." He shrugged. I laughed.

"You broke your first promise to me." I told him, rolling over so I was laying on his chest.

"What promise was that?" He asked me, I traced my fingers on his stomach. "You said we would watch that one movie with the boat and stuff. I forgot what it was called." I laughed,

"Titanic. We still have the rest of our lives to watch that." He shrugged.

"You broke your first promise to me too." He said. "I don't recall making promises, especially because I always break them." I muttered. He ran his finger down my spine. "You promised that after you got back with Jacob that you would come with me for ice cream." He laughed.

I laughed, because I remembered that. That was near the time Jacob had first asked me to be his girlfriend. "Why don't we get ice cream later today then?" I asked him smiling. "I don't have to work today anyways, might as well do something." I shrugged.

"Isn't Mason out of school now?" Carter asked. I nodded, "Let's go." I said, getting up. He grabbed his keys, "We're walking." I told him, he shook his head, "I don't walk." He laughed. I shrugged, "I do."

"If he's already out then we're just gonna be late to pick him up." Carter said, I laughed.

"He's in ninth grade, uh. He normally walks home alone, I just need to make sure he's gonna come here right after." I told him. He shrugged and we got up.

"If he normally walks here after school then we should just let him get here." Carter said grabbing my waist. "Good, we could meet him halfway." I said continuing to walk out.

It took the normal ten minutes to get there. Mason was at the school with some girl in his lap and the guy from this morning along with a few other guys. "Damn." Carter laughed. I didn't want to embarrass him by going up and just taking him away from his friends, but I did anyways.

"Hey!" His friend said, "Hey," I smiled, "Dylan?" he nodded, "Glad you remembered my name. You'll be seeing more of me, also you'll be screaming that when-" "Hey." Carter warned him. He laughed and Mason punched him again. "Are you ready Mason?" I asked him, but whether he was ready or not, he'd be leaving.

He nodded, "Bye babe." He said kissing the girls cheek. She got off his lap and he stood up.


"I get to live with you until next year?" He asked, I nodded. "Great." He said sarcastically, I frowned, "That actually hurts Mason, where do you wanna live? Because you could always just go back with Laura." I snapped.

He shrugged, "Since you asked, I wanna go back to Sasha and her family."

I shook my head and walked to my room. I don't know what his problem is, but it's putting an impact on everything.


What do you guys think is wrong with Mason or do you think he's just being a douche bag lol

anyways , this book is almost over !!! then there's the sequel .

I hope you all stick around for it :))) next update will be coming real soon

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