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• Maddi POV •

"Maddi, please dont go!" he yelled. I stopped walking and turned around to tell him off. "Why would I stay!?" I shouted, "You are-" I was cut off by him coming super close to me and putting his index finger over my mouth.

"I love you Maddi." he said looking me dead in the eyes. That's when my heart started pounding. "I love you. Nothing you could ever say or do would make me change my mind." he stated. He used both hands to grip my waist and he pulled me into him.

"I love you and everything you do. Like how you laugh at the stupidest things and a little snort escapes your mouth then it turns into a big one and if you laugh too long you'll start choking. When you are mad and the vain on your forehead pops out a little, the look you get when you're determined to do something. Everything, especially when you're under me panting in my neck and when I hit you in the right spots your toes curl up. How if you think no one is watching you, you try to lick your elbo and your chin. When you get fustrated how you clench and un clench your knuckles. I really do notice every detail about you, Maddi. I love you." he said with desperation in his eyes.

"I love you." He said again. My heart rate increased, I felt all my walls caving in, that's something you can't mess with. Is he serious?

"Carter." I said softly, he groaned. "I love you, I would say I always have and always will, but that'd be a damn lie. To be straight up with you, I couldn't stand you at first, but after seeing you constantly with Jacob, you had to be mine. I didn't like it, after you left, all I did was think about you, but I had to get over you so I tried my best to forget you. I failed, you constantly appeared in all my visions. I realized I love you once I saw you again. Just forgive me, I'm not perfect and neither are you." He pleaded.

I was lost for words to say, I don't know what I could say without triggering him off. "You don't have to say anything, I get it." He muttered releasing me. I grabbed him so he'd come back. I don't love him, I just have strong feelings for him... Right?

"Carter, my silence means so much more than you'll ever know." I told him, "I really do love you, Maddi. I don't really know why it took me this long to figure that out. I love you alright." He kept repeating himself.

Instead of saying it back, I looped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I ran my fingers through his flat hair, which I had to get used to. After we pulled away he looked deeply into my eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked. I nodded instead of answering. My second boyfriend would also be my third if that made since.


"It's been so long, what do couples do?" I asked Carter. He smiled confidently. "Have I been your only boyfriend?" He asked proudly. My ears flushed, I felt it. I didn't wanna answer and ruin his pride. I guess I'd be able to make it sound less hurtful...

"You were my last boyfriend and current boyfriend." I smiled. His eyes saddened, "I dated Jacob remember? He was my first boyfriend." I stated. He rubbed his temples, "Don't remind me."

It got quiet all of a sudden. After his words, his eyes stayed focused on the walls in front of us. I studied his face.

His expressions were different within a every minute. I smiled as I watched his lips tug up. I wondered what he was thinking about when he started to shift around, he grabbed the covers and lowered himself underneath them. Maybe he was just cold. His cheeks reddened and turned his head to face me. I sighed when he caught me staring.

"What?" He gushed. "What are you thinking about?" I questioned. I was just really curious. He grabbed my hands underneath the covers, his hands weren't as cold as normal. They were actually really warm at the moment.

I smiled at his sweets gestures. "Alright. Answer." I demanded. His cheeks flushed and I laughed at my pale boyfriend.

"You." He answered. Cheesy mother fucker... I playfully rolled my eyes at him, "What about me?" I asked. He shrugged, "everything." He spoke. I huffed. "You're being cheeky, Carter." I told him, earning a loud and throaty laugh to sound from his perfect lips.

"I was thinking about you laying underneath me, all weak, vulnerable and stuff." He smirked. I felt my face burning, he continued to speak. "I remember taking you in my back seat." He said proudly, he was obviously proud about taking my virginity in a car. His face softened, "No, I didn't mean it like that." He defended. I shrugged, "I get it. It's fine."

"Continue your thoughts." I said clearing my throat softly. He smirked, "Remember how your legs bent up, you put your sweaty foot on my windows, my mom saw your foot print and she was so confused." He laughed to himself.

I covered my face, "Oh my god, please stop." I groaned. He chuckled while I was completely humiliated. "You're probably the cutest thing I've ever had." He cooed rubbing my cheek. I swatted his hand away.

"Probably?" I remarked, "I meant; the cutest." He said saving himself. "thing?" I added. "I love you." He told me changing the subject.

I kissed him avoiding to say those three words. I laid on his chest and he rubbed my back. I laid my hand out across his chest and my leg was thrown over his crotch area. I felt his hard on. "I told you that I was thinking about you." He flushed. I laughed loud and evilly.

He watched me carefully as the hideous noises escaped my mouth. "Do you love me?" He asked...

I didn't know what to say. Saying no would hurt him most likely and saying yes will hurt me and I'd be lying.

"No," I started after I decided to choose both, his face melted. "but I'm going to one day." I added honestly, I did believe that. He smiled softly. I know I'd hurt him by saying that, but it would probably hurt him more to have him think I do.

The rest of the day was spent in silent along with his comments about us having sex and what not. I wasn't having sex with him, not while I was pregnant. And that he didn't know...


Lol TODAY IS MAH BIRTHDAY! lol this chapter was short and sucky ish but anyways, I'm 15 today, the big one five :'D I grow up so fast...

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now