Stage 5

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Takemichi was forced into learning everything about the Tokyo Manji Gang by Naoto of course, whether he liked it or not

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Takemichi was forced into learning everything about the Tokyo Manji Gang by Naoto of course, whether he liked it or not.

He was locked into the apartment for two days without sleeping a wink.

Y/n occasionally visited as she still had a job to uphold.

Today she left the hospital at precisely 3 pm, knowing she had to meet up with the boys. She wore a black skirt that reached her knees and a white button up, along with her doctor's coat.

On her way she decided to grab some Starbucks for herself and them. Skipping, she finally made it towards the apartment.

"Wassup bitches" she entered, slamming the door open. An irk mark spread across Naoto as he looked at her.

"Must you do this every time you enter?" He rubbed his temples.

She ignored him and walked to Takemichi who was slumped over the desk.

"I got you some coffee" she waved the cup in front of his face.

His face immediately lit up at the drink but as he tried to reach towards it, the cup was moved away.

"If you want this, then you better save Hinata or I'll personally cut you into pieces. Trust me I know how to"

"Yes Ma'am" he replied, scared for his life.

Y/n was a surgeon, she knew how to handle blood very well, Takemichi just hoped that he wasn't on her list next.

"Good" she handed him the cup and settled over Naoto's bed, crossing one leg over the other.

"So let me get this straight, if this Kisaki Tetta dude and Mikey don't meet then the Tokyo Manji Gang wouldn't have started?" she sipped some of her coffee.

"In theory, yes. One thing I still don't understand is, why did you faint too?" Naoto walked over to her, intensely staring.

"Is there something you aren't telling us?" he asked.

Pondering for a moment, she tried to remember every detail of that strange dream.

"First of all, you never asked. Secondly, the thing I dreamt about was very, I don't know, weirdly surreal. I felt like a stranger in my own body, like I wasn't fully in control of it" she said.

The pair's eyes were on her as she continued.

"While I was passed out, I dreamt about the time me and Hina went to this new pastry shop. Come to think of it, that was the same day you asked me about Takemichi" she started getting jittery, jumping a bit.

"OMFL so that means Takemichi really did change the past because I don't remember that happening before" she clasped her hands together, waiting for Naoto to speak up.

"Hmm I feel you and Takemichi somehow synced together. It doesn't make sense but maybe this is fate, maybe you both will change the past to save nee chan"

Takemichi's face lit up at the sound of those words, while Y/n's face fell.

"That means Y/n can help with this mission too!!" he exclaimed and smiled in front of her face.

"So I will be stuck with this loser?" she pushed his face away with her hands.

"Unfortunately, yes." Naoto paused before continuing, "According to my theory, I feel I might be the trigger in this. Takemichi, think back, how did you return back to the present?"

"Hm If I remember correctly, it was when we shook hands" he rubbed his chin.

"Perfect, then you must immediately go back" Naoto raised his hands, aiming for a handshake.

"Wait a minute, what about my job??" she stepped in between their handshake.

Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot, impatiently.

"Don't worry I have stationed another surgeon to take over your place, for now. You are on vacation until further notice" He smiled softly at her.

Naoto always loved the way she pouted when she got impatient. He loved everything about her.

"Now Takemichi kun let's do this"

The former nodded and they lifted their arms for the shake.

Y/n braced herself for the shift, and soon she was flailing to the floor as the same sensation as before took place.


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