Stage 10

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The two protagonists were pulled outside and were faced with some distress

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The two protagonists were pulled outside and were faced with some distress. All their 3rd year delinquents were on the floor lined up, under Draken's command. Soon Mikey and Draken were seen jumping on their backs to get across the floor.

"Wow they really are insane" Y/n thought as she walked on the sides, not wanting to break some bones today. She had her arms folded behind her back while she followed them.

Draken put an arm across Takemichi's neck while Mikey did the same with Y/n's.

"What's with you and getting close to peoples faces?" she questioned Mikey, while Takemichi conversed with Draken.

"Hmm I have no reason. I just like pretty girls and the view is nice" he smiled and moved away from her.

A normal person would be affected by this sudden confession, but our Y/n doesn't care in the slightest. Instead, this made her think that Mikey needed therapy too.

Eventually students gathered around them but kept a suitable distance away from them.

"Wait," one student protested.

The group turned around to see Hinata walking towards them with an angry expression.

"Oh Hina sorry, I'm busy today" he confessed with his hands up in surrender.

She paid no attention to him, instead she walked towards Mikey and raised her hand. She then did the unexpected, she slapped him.

Everyone's mouths dropped open and were scared for the girl. Draken twitched with fury.

Everyone was silent but that was short lived as someone was heard laughing.


This made the vein on Draken's face look like it was about to pop.

Hinata then took hold of Takemichi's arm and dragged him across the hall.

"Don't let these people bully you Takemichi, I'll protect you.i" she said but Y/n could see that she was shaking.

"What about Y/n" he retorted.

"I trust her and she's fully capable of protecting herself" before she could continue further, her hand was grabbed by Draken.

"Hold on brat. You slap him and just leave? Who the hell do you think you are?" his voice was filled with so much anger that even Y/n decided it was better to shut up.

Hinata then retorted with saying how they just waltzed into the school out of nowhere and tried to take Y/n and Takemichi by force.

Drakens' hold on Hinata's hand tightened and Takemchi seemed to have sensed this. He put one arm on the taller males shoulder.

"Let go of her asshole," he said.

Their attention was turned to Mikey who seemed to have a manacial look on his face.

"I thought we could be friends. Now the question is, how do you want to die?" He approached the trio.

His path was quickly blocked by Y/n who crossed her arms.

"Don't go near them," she said.

"Hhaha you both are so gullible. I was just joking" he walked towards the exit

"Besides I would never hit a girl" he directed his smile to Y/n who returned a disgusted look in return.


"Are you sure you'll be fine alone Y/n?" Takemichi questioned.

"Yeah yeah enjoy your love life, I can handle myself" she waved to the pair.

Takemichi and Hinata had a date scheduled for today and Y/n didn't want them to miss it. So she offered to go instead of Takemichi.

"Bye Bye don't hit me in the face next time and Takemitchy you're a good person for protecting your girlfriend like that" Mikey slapped his back.

Y/n couldn't help but feel proud for Takemichi, he had overcome so much. He wasn't the same old coward as he used to be.

The pair then made their way back inside waving to Y/n and the two blondes.


"You know you could help with the peddling" Y/n huffed.

Currently the trio were riding a bicycle for god knows what reason. Draken was at the back while Y/n was at the front. Mikey on the other hand sat in the middle, doing nothing.

"I simply don't feel like it" he crossed his arms at the back of his neck.

"I have another question. Why did you take a liking to me and Takemichi?"

"Thats a dumb question" he paused before continuing, "I had a brother 10 years older than me. He's dead now. He was reckless. He had no problem picking fights with people stronger than him. Takemitchy reminds me of my brother. You on the other hand, I'm not sure about. You're headstrong and protective, maybe it's fate that i chose u for my friend" he finished.

"Who knows, but Takemichi ain't cool" she responded looking forward.

"BAHAHA you thought we liked Takemichi because he's cool? No way" Draken commented from the back.

They then stopped at the nearby river.

"Not all delinquents are lame, we fight a lot but we clean up our mess.I want to make a new era for delinquents." He sat down on the grass with one leg up, his arm resting on it.

"You both should come with us. I like you Suzuki Y/n" he smiled.

A gentle breeze flew in, swaying their clothes a bit.

"H-HUh?" she stuttered.

"Oh and I like Hanagaki Takemitchy too," he continued with his tongue poking out.

"Idiot, think before you speak. Some other girl would've misunderstood you" she smacked his head.

"We already talked to Takemichi about this and he agreed. It would be nice if you joined too" Draken stepped towards the pavement.

"Bye Bye Chibi chin, think about our offer" Mikey got up.

Soon they were on their way, leaving Y/n behind.

She decided it was best for her to leave too and so she was on her way.

On her way she bumped into someone. He wore glasses and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Sorry" she muttered, she felt like she knew him. But from where?.

It can't be Kisaki Tetta, can it?



In celebration, this is a 1000 word chapterrr ¡¡

Also I didn't proofread so there might be some mistakes.
I'll edit later.


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