Stage 35

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Another school day

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Another school day.

Dispersal eventually made its way, slow as always.

Y/n sat on her desk, fiddling with her ear. Baji had specifically marked her right ear, causing a lot of questions from her friends.

It will disappear in months or so but she had to live with it till then.

Looking to her side, she noticed Takemichi staring into the distance. Standing up, she waved her hand in front of his face.

"We'll get him back, besides I've already thought of a plan" Just as she was about to continue the details of her plan, Akkun had called them.

"Y/n, Takemichi heard you both got into Toman?" He greeted them with a smile, the other 3 friends following.

"Hi boys" Y/n turned her face towards them who all ended up fainting, with nose bleeds of course.

"I think you killed them," Takemichi stuttered.

"I just said hi-"


"I see, so if you don't bring back the first division captain, Baji, then Mikey is going to kill you"

All of them were sitting at various places, Y/n sitting on the desk, swinging her legs.

"RIP Takemichi" Yamagishi clasped his hands together, then continued.

"And we shall pray for Y/n sama's victory"

"HEY GIMME THE SAME TREATMENT" Takemichi raised his objection.

"Well thanks, but we don't even know anything about Valhalla" She interrupted him.

"Don't worry the Delinquent Encyclopedia will take care of it" Yamagishi laughed and used one of his fingers to push back his glasses.

The screeching sound of chalk against the rough board echoed as Yamagishi explained the hierarchy of Toman. He further went on about the origins of the other gangs.

Outside of their ear shot, a peculiar male walked with his hands in his pockets.

"Do any of you know where class 2-3 is? That's Suzuki san's class right?" He questioned the two females who were busy with packaging.

"Uhh just right around the corner" one of them pointed

He thanked them with a smile and went to his destination


"And the other anti-Toman forces gathered under their no.3, Hanemiya Kazutora" before Yamagishi could finish, the door of the classroom slid open, making great noise in the process.

"Huh?" Kazutora made his appearance at the worst possible moment.

All heads simultaneously turned to their guest.

"Oh Hanemiya, you go to this school?" Y/n tilted her head.

Once the sweet, melodious voice of Y/n reached his ears, he immediately lost focus.

"CHIBI CHAN" Kazutora hurriedly wobbled to Y/n's feet. Sliding right underneath them, near the table she was seated on.

"I've missed you so much" he rubbed his cheeks on her bare legs.

Since Y/n was on high ground and Kazutora was down,he couldn't help but take a peek. He raised his eyes carefully so that they could see under her skirt.

How he wished that he brought his camera.

"I haven't" she pushed back his face with her shoe, while crossing her hands.

"Oi who the hell do you think you are to touch Y/n sama?" Makoto picked up Kazutora by the collar, threatening him.

"M-Makoto don't do it, he's-"

"VALHALLA'S NO.3, HANEMIYA KAZUTORA" Yamagishi held back Makoto.

"Chibi chan, do you know who Hanagaki Takemichi is?" He dusted his clothes, scanning the entire class.

"Uhh me?" Takemichi finally spoke, earning a gleaming smile from Kazutora.

"Both of you are in the same class?"

"Great this is perfect, come with me" He picked up Y/n and held her like a potato sack over his shoulder and dragged Takemichi with his other.

"HUH- PUT ME DOWN" Y/n tried to hit his back. This just made Kazutora grip her thighs harder.

On their way in the hall, they met up with Kazutora's men.

Y/n had eventually stopped struggling as she figured they were probably going to Valhalla. This would make their jobs a lot easier.


"For a famous person, you do seem less known at school" she commented, admiring the city's scenery.

Chatter from ongoing shoppers were heard as they were walking in the busy city.

"I'm always in your heart, chibi chan" he smiled, which Y/n couldn't see. She however, felt the urge to puke, maybe it was because of being hung upside down for so long or because of his terrible pick up line.

He finally seemed to notice her discomfort and decided to let her down.

"In all honesty, I only attended the first term, I was in juvie for the rest of the time."

" got arrested?" Takemichi followed in pursuit.

"Because of him" was all Kazutora replied with.

They then walked in silence until their destination was seen.

A headless angel was painted on the walls of an old rundown arcade. The place was situated in a very empty street, with very few people crossing it.

Kazutora stepped over the 'No Trespassers' barrier and opened the gates.

There revealed a whole new world of a gang.


Not me squealing when Kazutora came-

Might post tmw too, if I feel like it that is.

Also I have been getting comments on the intro chapter, with ppl saying they were born in 2008 or 2007. Kids-

I feel old now

Have a great day/night


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