Stage 31

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[ Past ]

Y/n shook her head with great aggression as she tried to comprehend where she was. Peering around, she noticed an alarming amount of naked women. At first she got worried then realised this was a public bath.

Embarrassed at the thought she covered her chest with her hands. She was currently in the bath, her entire body in soothing water.

But one question remained, what was she doing here in the first place?

Her answer was soon received once a certain someone's shrill echoed at the entrance of the female's bath.


"Oh no please don't be those three, please god. Please" She silently cried in prayer.

Sure enough, a naked Mikey walked in the female bath.

Raucous screams of the females echoed throughout the place.

"Oi you shouldn't be in there" Draken surged at Mikey, but he also was in the view of them.

"I think the both of you should move away from there" Takemichi pleaded with his hands.

At this point all three naked males were directly in front of the females, causing mass panic.

"Ken chin look my nose is bleeding" Mikey pointed at his nose.

"Yeah mine too"

"Me too" They still didn't look away from the sight.

Y/n banged her head at the side of the tub in embarrassment.


Foamy soaps, buckets and what not were thrown at the three blondes. Since Y/n wanted to join the fun too, she started catapulting objects at them.



Y/n had just finished bonking their head with her fists

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Y/n had just finished bonking their head with her fists. So all three were kneeling on the ground with their heads down..

"Do you understand what you did wrong?" she threatened with a menacing glare.

"Yes ma'am" they responded in fear. She had to stop as someone had arrived.

The howls of bikes were heard.

Mitsuya, Smiley and Mucho were seen on their vehicles smiling.



Both Y/n and Smiley ran to each other with the biggest smiles on their faces.

Engulfing each other in enormous hugs. Smiley picked up Y/n and spun her in the air, both laughing.

"I've missed you so much"

"Me too"

"Say, are we still on for the sleepover?" Smiley questioned

"Of course !!"

"Okay break it up, let's go meet the 3rd division captain" Mikey walked in between the two besties.

Y/n could've sworn that she saw a pout on the captain's face but she decided to dismiss it.

Draken was suspiciously chuckling at the entire scene.

"Come ride with me Y/n" Smiley ushered Y/n to his bike and her eyes were filled with delight. It was better than riding with Mikey who she didn't trust with the handle of vehicles.

"You can't since Takemichi is sitting with Smiley. You can be with Mitsuya instead." Mikey stated.

Y/n pouted but decided not to push it. Besides, Mitsuya radiates big husband energy.

"Hello Y/n" Mitsuya gently smiled. Sitting on his bike with the softest expression Y/n had ever seen. She could faint right there and then.

She took her place behind him, fixing her skirt.

"Please sit comfortably, I won't drive recklessly, don't worry. Do hold on tight and not let go" he assured her.

"Thank you Mitsuya" she gave him a close eyed smile.


Y/n and Takemichi both stood right below the podium from where Mikey was standing.

The cool night breeze flew in, making Y/n's hair flow with it.

"Let me introduce the new 3rd division captain." Mikey announced to his gang.



I'll post another 500-600 word chapter tomorrow. There will also be a chapter on Saturday, after that the entire next week, I won't be able to post due to exams.

Have a great day/night


𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now