Stage 49

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Splatter of gold was thrown everywhere as the stadium erupted in claps

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Splatter of gold was thrown everywhere as the stadium erupted in claps. Y/n stood there with her black and blue graduation gown. Four years of majoring in computer science had finally paid off. Her parents came all the way from Osaka to just watch their daughter shine.

Y/n jumped and waved to her parents yet her heart felt empty as he was still not here. She looked at everyone in the crowd to find him yet to no avail.

Suddenly, there was a loud mic tap, heads turned to find the cause of the noise. There he was, on the main stage, his hair flowing gracefully in the wind.

"THIS ONE IS FOR THE BEST, LOVING GIRLFRIEND. SUZUKI Y/N, SHE'S SMARTER THAN ALL YOU BASTARDS" none other than Baji Keisuke pointed straight at the bewildered female.

She was too shocked to say anything especially when faced with the angry stares of the other students. Her hand was then grabbed by Takemichi who came out of thin air.

"Come on Y/n, you better see what your boyfriend has in store" he brought her in front of the crowd, facing the main stage.

"Huh wait Takemic-" and just like he was gone leaving Y/n embarrassed. Baji simply smiled at her stunned state, that's exactly what he wanted.

"CHIFUYU HIT THE MUSIC" He screamed into the mic, causing some to cover their ears.

Instantly, there was a roar of music all too familiar for Y/n's ears. She wanted to sink right to the floor but she also felt a bit proud.

"I threw a wish in the well

Don't ask me, I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell

And now you're in my way

I trade my soul for a wish

Pennies and dimes for a kiss

I wasn't looking for this

But now you're in my way"

Weirdly enough, some of the graduates started singing along. On closer inspection, the entire disbanded Tokyo Manji Gang was there, singing with Baji in the crowd. Y/n didn't know what to do, she was extremely happy that he was here but wondered about the consequences from the university.

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy

But here's my number, so call me, maybe

It's hard to look right at you, baby"

"Fuck it, who cares. I graduated already" she whispered as she started singing along with the crowd.

"Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

I missed you so bad, I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad

And you should know that

I missed you so, so bad"

The song then slowly trailed off as everyone erupted in a cheer, throwing their caps into the air. Y/n didn't know when was the last time she had this much fun. She joined the glee, her cap falling to the ground when there was another mic tap.

"QUIET YOU FOOLS" Baji hushed everyone's early celebrations as he signalled the next part of the plan. Immediately, Takemichi returned, this time pushing her to the stairs of the stage.

"What is happening today" she fixed her hair as she was pushed onto the spotlight. Her eyes then focused onto the male in front of her. He wore a blue silk suit matched with a red tie, boy he looked so dashing.

His light-brown eyes glistened in the spotlight, his breath hitching when Y/n stepped in front of him.

"This is all such a surprise Keisuke, I didn't think you were going to make it today" she smiled, walking even closer to him.

"And get mutilated by you later? No thanks" He grinned at her, vampire teeth in sight.

"I'm still trying to decipher why you pulled out that stunt tho. I loved it, yes, just curious" she questioned.

Then the most surprising thing happened, Keisuke gently got down on knee, creasing his shoes. He swiftly rummaged inside his pocket to find it but there was nothing.

"DAMMIT WHERE IS IT" he screamed to which Y/n just laughed at him. Her laughs calmed him down as Chifuyu came running from the back with a silver box in his hands. He gave a one hand salute to Y/n before leaving the box to Baji.

"Ahem, anyways. Suzuki Y/n, born in the year 1991, age 25 and the mother of my future kids. Would you give me the honour of being the luckiest man alive and marry me?" He opened the box to revealing a gold ring embezzled with tiny specks of diamond. The crowd was in shock, this was a sudden change of events.

Y/n looked down to see him, both their eyes catching each other. He could tell from her eyes that he had won.

"OH MY GOD, TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH" she jumped onto him enveloping him in a hug, as their lips latched onto one another. She didn't know if it was being proposed in front of a crowd or pms but her eyes had erupted into tears. Baji's own eyes had watered when he saw her.

The kiss made her feel electrified and her veins filled with a sudden ecstasy. His rough yet gentle fingers gripped the back of her neck pulling them even closer, their lips tightening closer together. Her mind gets fogged and she forgets that she is in front of hundreds of people.

Eventually they had to pull apart because of the sudden coughs but not before Keisuke gave her lips one last bite. Their flustered faces looking embarrassingly at each other. They both were each other's endgame.

Y/n could swear she heard someone's voice go "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME" but she didn't bother enough to care. However that wasn't the end as she saw a glimpse of someone who shouldn't have been here.

A man aged the same as her with blonde hair pushed to one side. Stern eyes and gold glasses. Her shands ran cold, he was in jail right, he couldn't have been here.

She didn't have much time to think as she was pulled by the waist towards Keisuke.

"Thank you for giving your daughter to me Mr and Mrs Suzuki"


Crazy how I started this fanfic when I finished gcse's and now imma about to finish A -levels.

Next up is Naoto

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