Stage 37

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A/N 1.
I was probably high when I wrote the first part of this chap.

After what seemed like an eternity, Hanma finally let her go.

Once she was finally released from his grasp, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

Rubbing it harshly, hoping to get the taste off.

"Fucker" she whispered before looking him directly in the eyes. Rage powering her next move.

Y/n then momentarily stepped back, shocked by the gesture.

She was a masochist of sorts but this was not in any way pleasant.

"You seriously need help" Y/n jogged rapidly with her feet on one spot. She then jumped in the air, knocking out Hanma's face with her leg.

She landed on his chest, adding extra force to the impact. Some would call this Y/n's favourite move, sitting on people's stomachs and chests.

"Didn't even taste good" she spat on his face.

His heart skipped a beat.

The crowd was unsure how to react so they stayed silent. Kazutora had calmed down once Y/n attacked the taller male.

Putting his finger inside his mouth to stop the bleeding.

Baji on the other side felt proud that she had decided to hurl at the male. Any longer and he would've personally killed Hanma himself.

"If you do this to others, girl or boy, imma fucking kill you Hanma. You got that?" she slapped both sides of his face, then tilted his head up and down as a nod.

Another skip

"Kinky," Baji said as he watched the scene unfold, not realising that he had said it outloud.

The entire room was quiet so his words were heard clearly. Takemichi had turned red for Baji, fuming.

"I-I'm going to ignore that" Y/n got up from Hanma then pointed at Baji.

Aiming right for his heart.

"I'm going to bring you back to Toman. Baji Keisuke"

"You don't understand Y/n, you don't know anything." He chuckled, preparing for a flashback.

All the founding members have been friends since they were 13. Together they formed Toman under the leadership of Mikey.

One particular day, Kazutora and Baji concluded it would be a great idea to get him a new bike. However, Kazutora thought it would be a great idea to steal.

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