Stage 6

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Both bodies were seen falling to the floor but Naoto only had the choice of saving one, and he chose Y/n.

Takemichi's lifeless body fell to the floor with a loud thump, while Y/n's fell swiftly in the hands of Naoto.

He then carried her to his bed and laid her down. He stayed there for a while, just staring at the sleeping person. She looked so content and graceful while she slept that Naoto couldn't help but plant a kiss on her forehead.

Deciding to go back to his work, he made his way back to his paperwork, when he tripped over something.

Oh right he forgot that Takemichi was still on the floor.

"Eh he can survive" he picked up a plain blue blanket and draped it over the fallen boy.

[ Past ]

Y/n felt a jolt when she woke up from her headache.

"Am I in the past now?" she questioned, looking around her surroundings.

There stood a man wearing a Gi along with a black belt. He was in a particular stance known as Kiba dachi. He looked old, with wrinkles all over his face but his stance was sturdy. He showed no signs of backing down.

He immediately went for a punch near Y/n's left ear, which she narrowly dodged by a hair. Any slower and she would have been hit.

She tried to grab the old man's leg and flip him upside down instead she was the one who was flipped.

Her back collided with the hard floor.

"Ow my spine" she muttered while rubbing her back.

"What is up with you today Y/n?" The sensei asked.

He lended her his hand and lifted her up.

Y/n dusted her Gi, "Uhh I had a headache maybe that's why haha" she brushed it off and went towards the changing room.

"Hopefully Takemichi had a better shift"

"Takemichi had a what" one particular pink haired girl tapped Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n whirled around swiftly and scratched her neck.

"Uhhhhh .... I was hoping that Takemichi had a good shit. That's right. " she spluttered.

"Eh why though, is he sick" She stared at the girl who was now sweaty.

"Y..Yeah Something like that. Come on its getting late we need to go home"
Y/n replied.

"But it's only 6pm" Hinata debated.

"Suddenly I'm very sleepy. Let me go change and let's head home, alright?"

With great reluctance did Hinata finally agree.


" BAHAHA No offense but that girl was really something else"

Laughter was heard outside Hinata's house as Y/n dropped her off.

"Well then I'll see you later Hina bye bye" Y/n took towards the stairs while waving to her bestie.

It was a normal summer night, not too hot nor cold.

Humming softly Y/n made her way down the stairs when she bumped into Takemichi.

His face was almost unrecognisable. He had bruises all over his face, red and blue painted every where on his face. Blood oozing slowly from his cuts.

"Woah Mister what happened to your face?" She commented.

"Not good. Looks like past me caused some troubles and I got beaten. I have a feeling we will deal with this again tomorrow" he rubbed his face to ease the pain.

"I'll meet you at school, looks like you need a little dose of love. See you tomorrow Hanagaki" she continued on her way.

When she reached the ground, she glanced up to see the two love birds conversing.

"Love, how nice." she trudged ahead kicking tiny pebbles with her feet. While in the midst of her fun, she bumped into someone.

"Ow watch where you're going" she said, trying to figure out the attacker's face. It was dark so Y/n couldn't clearly make out his face but he did have long blonde hair.

"Sorry Sorry" he rubbed his hands together in apology before making his way forward.

"Weirdo, but I have this feeling like I know this dude" she wondered.


When I wrote this part I did not proof read so it might have some errors.

Also, I was busy so I couldn't post earlier.

Tysm for the support, Votes and comments are very appreciated ^^


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