Stage 17

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[ Present ]

"You're not coming with us to meet Osanai?" Naoto asked.

They were back in the present to discuss the possible solutions to their problem.

"Can't I have something to do today." She lied to them.

"If you say so, we'll alert you about everything when you get back" Takemichi waved to her as she ran out of their apartment.


"If I'm correct, the thing I'm looking for should be right here" she searched through a bunch of papers.

She was currently in Tokyo Koseki Registry, the place where everyone's family documents were.

She had got in using Naoto's name and surprisingly they allowed her into the office.

Her hands searched for the papers labelled as K. Finally, she found Kisaki Tetta's name.

"Let's see,he was born on 20th January 1992, blood type A, blah blah. Where's the damn address?" She traced her finger on the list of information.

"Uhh FOUND IT." before she could read out the entire thing someone clasped their hand over her mouth. She could also feel the cold, metal blade of a knife near her neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Suzuki Y/n" the person said, digging the blade deeper into her skin. His breath tingled her neck.

Y/n needed to hurry up and do something or she would be dead meat.

She quickly used her leg to kick the man in the groin. He staggered back, while Y/n regained her balance. She tried to snatch the knife from him but was unsuccessful as he grabbed her other arm and swung her away.

"Kazutora did tell me you were feisty but you really are full of fucking energy" the man said, cracking his knuckles.

Y/n took this time to examine him. He had yellow and black hair, similar to Kazutora, and it was glued back to create a certain volume. His face was covered with a mask. He was a damn tall bean sprout.

"Don't waste your time, you can't beat me" he scoffed. He cornered her in one part of the room and came closer to her face.

"You know what they say princess, don't stick your nose in other people's business" he tapped her nose.

"Now I'll be going. See you again later" he picked up the papers which had Kisaki's information. Before he left, Y/n caught a glimpse of the word 'Si' she couldn't really figure out the word on his hand.

"Si? Like the Spanish word?"

Y/n was in a daze, she couldn't fully grasp the situation. One thing she knows for sure, Kisaki is onto her.

But for now she decided it was best if she didn't mention the assault to Naoto and Takemichi. She didn't want to create any more unnecessary burdens.


"Your mission this time is to stop Toman and Moebius from fighting. Osanai said there was external influence as well, watch out for that" Naoto fixed his tie, raising his hands for a handshake.

"We will do our best" Takemichi smiled at Y/n.

[ Past ]

"Suzuki Y/n, Suzuki Y/n" someone clicked their fingers in front of the dazed girl's face.

"Huh?? Uh yes?" Y/n tried her best not to seem like a person who just came from the future.

"I just told your marks for the admission test, were you even listening?" she asked.

"Yess" she responded, then put her head down in shame. "Actually, no," she confessed.

"Well you're lucky it wasn't the interview, anyways I'll repeat again. For your math part of the exam, you got 400 out of 500 and for science you received, 489 out of 500. Congratulations, you've made it to the University of Tokyo." The lady shook hands with Y/n.

Just as Y/n was about to answer her, Takemichi called.


Y/n eventually made her way to the warehouse which Takemichi had directed her to. It was an abandoned warehouse, housing mostly construction supplies.

When she reached, she saw Pah chin grab him by the head and throw him.

"Takemichi !!" she shouted and raced to him, helping him up. "You guys have to listen to him, all of this fighting will only end in bloodshed. Please, don't fight" she told the people in question.

Mikey sat on a long block of wood with his legs spread out and his arms on them. Draken stood beside him along with Peh yan and Pah chin.

"Takemichi, Y/n you've made your case. We're going to fight Moebius. You both don't understand anything. I already made up my mind and Y/n I told you to stay out of this, then why are you here?" he looked up from the ground, towards them.

"I won't let you do this, I'm not going to let innocent lives down the drain. Instead of you all fighting, let me fight" She confidently looked at Mikey in the eyes.

I'll edit later again cause idk this chapter doesn't sit right for me but I needed to post today sooo here it is.

Tmws chapter will be better ¡¡¡


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