Stage 43

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As soon as those words were uttered, both groups started attacking each other

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As soon as those words were uttered, both groups started attacking each other. Right from the beginning, the sheer number of Valhalla members conquered those in Toman.

Chifuyu had run off to face the enemy approaching from their right side. While Y/n stayed back with Takemichi, handling those who came near them.

One of the grunts had dared to advance on them but started chuckling when he saw the girl in her Toman uniform.

"Toman felt so weak that they hired a girl?" He instead aimed for Takemichi's face, feeling that Y/n was an easy opponent. He went in for a punch, victory already plastered on his face.

His advancement was soon blocked by Y/n's hand which capsulated his fist.

"Don't underestimate me" she used her free legs to hit him in the balls. The male crouched in pain, but she didn't stop. She then used her leg again to kick him in the face.

While Y/n was dealing with him, another assault was launched at Takemichi.

"TAKEMICHI" She shouted as she blocked another attack from the grunts. At this point, she was already fed up with this so she did a roundhouse kick, knocking out three of them.

Looking over in Takemichi's direction, she saw him getting the shit beat out of him. She immediately raced to where he was but slowed down when she saw her captain coming to the rescue.

She wanted to awe at the sight of him but she knew she had no time. Mitsuya's intoxicating voice was heard as he started scolding Takemichi for not being able to fight.

Her focus was diverted so someone took the chance and racked their foot on her back, pushing forward. Another grunt, great.

"FUCKING HELL. YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT" She rammed her fists against his face, the flesh being pushed back. Y/n then dropped her foot down on him, crushing it in the process.

After seeing her, many more of the members started appearing. She backed up, in order to see how many she was up against. With her fists still balled up in front of her, she started moving backwards.

Her back touched someone else's. Glancing behind she noticed that she was cornered with Chifuyu and Takemichi.

"Just keep your eyes on the enemy right in front of you. We've got your back" Chifuyu reassured Takemichi. He then intertwined his hands with Y/n's and gave it a tight squeeze before letting go.

His words and his touch were oddly comforting to her. Her body seemed to have relaxed a bit due to his actions.

"Takemichi, LET'S DO IT FOR HINA" she yelled, hoping that the reason for them doing all of this will motivate him. After all, Hina's the reason they were here in the first place.

It seemed to have worked as Takemichi tightened his fists and started to tear up. He then punched the speeding grunt in the face, developing a newfound confidence.

"BRING IT ON ASSHOLES" he howled at everyone, making sure his voice was heard to the entirety that were present.

He got punched again and again but he kept his ground and fought back this time. Y/n felt as if she was watching the child she raised, grow into a confident man.

However, things were still grim as Toman was currently losing. The captains were still holding their ground but it was still too much to handle. Blood kept on being spilled, injuries everywhere.

Draken on the other hand was cruising through the grunts. His only real obstacle was that prick, Hanma. Draken then saw one of his members cowardly backing up against an attacking Valhalla member.

He stopped the attack and punched the dude in the stomach.

"Get a grip. If you panic, you won't be able to win an already over fight. I'm going to protect all of you" he faced every standing member, hoping to be their guide.

The anguished cries of Takemichi made everyone stop and look over at him. There Takemichi ran face first into the now parting crowd. He didn't know where he was going but he kept on throwing air punches regardless.

"I...I-Im gonna end all of this" he limped forwards, struggling but determined. "I'm gonna crush all of you" he howled. He then fell to the side, falling on the shoulders of Mitsuya.

Everywhere around, the defeated Toman members started getting up. Seeing Takemichi give his all even though he was struggling to even fight one person. This gave them confidence to stop thinking they weren't enough. After all, if they weren't, why would Mikey let them join?

"You woke us the hell up, Takemitchy," Draken smiled at him, stretching in the process. They were currently against the horde of grunts in front of them.

"That's our crybaby hero" Y/n walked next to Draken, beaming with extra energy.

"Let's do this Draken" Y/n fist bumped Draken before sprinting into the fight.

"A girl like you can't defeat me" one tall, broad member tried to punch her right side.

"Missed me" she dodged by turning the other way. He then punched her left side, which she again dodged.

"Missed me again" she mocked him.

He then concentrated all his frustration at one point and aimed at her chest. She ducked right away, laughing.

"Third time in a row. Bro you really bad at this" she did her signature roundhouse kick which landed him face first into the ground. She then jumped on his chest and off to go fight the others.

On the other side, Kazutora ran up the pile of cars running away from Mikey.

"KAZUTORA. HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP RUNNING AWAY LIKE THIS?" Mikey dashed after him, jumping on each car with precision.

However, one of Valhalla's strongest men kicked him backwards. Mikey flew back down, on his knees. His jacket was flowing away.

They started their assault from either side, wishing to kill him in the process. Those rumours about Mikey being insanely strong? Well it sounded like bluff to Valhalla.

Mikey easily blocked both attacks with his arms. His physical strength easily overpowering them.

"Stop messing around" he said angrily, while the others finally realised how strong he really was.

They then grabbed Mikey's legs and his abdomen, preventing him from moving. He couldn't defend himself like this and that's exactly what Kazutora wanted.

Time seemed to have slowed down as Y/n finally laid her eyes on Kazutora who jumped in the air with a metal rod in his hand. There was no doubting it, he was going to attack Mikey.

Y/n fought her way through but it was too late.

Kazutora had smacked Mikey with the metal rod.

"MIKEY" Y/n bawled.


Whoops overestimated the content lmao so probs next chapter is yk what happens.

Writing fight scenes is so fucking hard like IM RUNNING OUT OF WORDS TO USE

Also everybodysays_piaa I love your comments CRFVRGT I love everyone's comments, they really brighten my day ¡¡


Have a great day/night¡¡


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