Stage 12

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Y/n made her way to Hinata's roof where the fireworks were about to start

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Y/n made her way to Hinata's roof where the fireworks were about to start.

Once she reached, she spotted Hinata and Takemich standing together.

The male looked lovestruck while he watched the female gasp at the fireworks.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at their tactics and decided it was better not to disturb them. She spotted the 16 year old Naoto and went towards him.

"Hey Naoto" she stood next to him, watching the fireworks.

Naoto was surprised to find her so close to him but didn't mind it all. There was something he actually wanted to tell her today.

"Hey listen Y/n I have something to tell you" he approached her, waiting for the perfect moment to grab her hands.

"Mhm go on, I'm listening" she said.

Naoto then took a deep breath and started his long awaited speech.

"I... I like you" he finally concluded as he reached his hands for hers, instead he was met with a particular males hand instead.

"Ehh what do you mean...?" she looked at him confusedly, then her eyes drifted towards their hands and she mentally facepalmed.

"NAOTO??" was all that Takemichi could say.

"TAKEMICHI KUN??" Naoto replied back.

"Idiots" was the last thing she said before that headache from before took place again.

[ Present ]

Y/n sat up with a jolt as she felt her headache slowly lifting. As soon as she got up she instantly regretted it since someone started screaming.

"Damn it Naoto, I came back" scareamed Takemichi. His tears mixed with snot which Y/n was visibly disgusted at.

"You're such an idiot" Y/n got up, disconnecting the IV drip from her hand and walking towards Takemichi's bed. Naoto stood there as well, listening to Takemichi

"Both of you came back because something important happened, right?" He questioned them both.

"Well..." both of them whispered.


"YOU SHOOK MY HANDS BY MISTAKE?" Naoto screamed with fury, his fists balled up.

"Well it isn't entirely his fault either, it was also yours Naoto" Y/n defended.

It took a few moments for Naoto to realise what was going on. He then immediately turned red as he covered the half of his face.

"Was, was this the day we watched fireworks on the rooftop?" he stepped back from them.

"Yes and it was a sentimental moment for me" Takemichi cried into his hands. Y/n just patted his back in pity.

"Did you hear what I said during that time?" Naoto said, still clutching his face.

"Nope, that's what I wanted to ask you. What did you say? The fireworks were very loud" she peered at him, trying to get the words out of his mouth.

"Never mind it wasn't important" he said, then stepped towards a whiteboard to explain their current standing.


"So if we spend a week in the past, then a week passes here as well?" Y/n summarised for Takemichi.

"Yes, so how did the mission to stop Sano and Kisaki go?" Naoto questioned, enthusiastic about their response.

"Mikey is not bad, he wants to make a new era for delinquents. I don't think that he's the reason Hina died" Takemichi responded.

Y/n knew this wasn't the response he wanted but it was the truth.

"If you can't do it then I will. I'll kill him with my own two hands" he was about to bang the board with his hands but stopped midway.

Y/n cupped his face into her hands and stared intensely into his eyes. They held lot's of emotions, fear,sadness, anger.

"Listen Naoto, we all hate the fact that Hinata passed away. But please trust us on this." she let go of his face. He then took deep breaths before speaking.

"Alright then, if we want to talk to Mikey, we need to research even more on him. Takemichi, you stay and help" Naoto finished.

"EH WHY WON'T Y/N HELP??" Takemichi protested.

"I have some business to take care of. Bye bye boys" she stuck her tongue out and did a two finger salute.

With that she left the apartment, while Takemichi was stuck with Naoto in organisation.


Y/n stepped out of the taxi and went towards the grim place. There was such a gloomy atmosphere that it could ruin a person's mood in seconds.

She made sure she didn't accidentally step on someone's grave. Yes, she was in the graveyard that Hinata was buried in.

Eventually she found the headstone which had the name 'Tachibana Hinata' written on it. She bent down at the foot of the grave.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Hinata" she promised herself that she wouldn't cry but here she was. The tears were already welling up.

"No no I shouldn't cry, It's not like you're gone forever" but even Y/n couldn't hold herself back. Tears spilled down her face and she let them flow.

"I... I'll bring you back... That's a promise...bestie" she laid the flowers down on the cold grave. She then gave her prayers and headed out the graveyard.

Right when she was waiting for a taxi, she got a call from Naoto.

"Y/n come to the hostess club in downtown Shibuya" he said

"Looks like we found an old acquaintance"

"Sendo Atsushi"


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