Stage 18

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Rain was pouring down, as Y/n raced to any nearby shelter she could find

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Rain was pouring down, as Y/n raced to any nearby shelter she could find.. She tried to shield herself from the rain by using her hands.

It was the summer of middle school, Y/n was late going home because of the downpour.

When she saw that In front of her stood an empty shrine, she immediately turned towards it.

Once under the roof, she stepped on the side of a saisen however, the ceiling had spaces between. This did not help, at all.

So she decided to go towards the back, where the washrooms were as well.

When she reached, she moved back so she was under the shelter.

She played with her hair for a while until a cough was heard on the other side of the wall. She tilted her head to see who it was, as there was a block of wood hindering her view.

It was a young boy, her age she assumed, he was wearing the same middle school uniform as her. He had silver-lilac hair, and pierced ears, when they locked eyes, both looked away shyly.

"The rain came down suddenly, didn't it?" he tucked his hands in his pockets

Y/n didn't respond, instead she just stared at the ground.

The sound of rain pattering the roof filled their silent void.

"Uhh my name is Suzuki Y/n" she blurted out, hoping to lift the atmosphere.

"Haha my name is Mitsuya Takashi. You're in class 2-3 right?" he chuckled, turning his head towards her direction.

"Mhm yep !!" she acknowledged him, she then paused before continuing.

"Are you going to the festival today?"

"Yes, I would love to meet you there. If you could make it." he smiled at her, his earring wobbling as he said so.

"Sure !!" she jumped a bit, accidentally stepping into the rain.

They both just laughed whole-heartedly when the water splashed on her clothes.


"What do you mean, I can't go to the festival?" she crossed her arms in front of her parents.

She was currently in her kimono, in the living room, tapping her foot impatiently.

"No means no, besides, instead of doing this nonsense you could be studying" her father adjusted her glasses.

Y/n just looked helplessly at her mom who just nodded in agreement with her husband.

"Fine, if that's what all of you want" she could feel the waterworks incoming but she held it back and raced to her room.

Once there, she locked the door and slid down against it. Her parents rarely ever allowed her to go out. She buried her face into her knees.

"Sorry I can't make it to the festival Mitsuya"


The festival officially started at 10pm, Mitsuya arrived early at 9:30, hoping to make a good impression. He bought the available food when the clock struck 10.

Time kept ticking, but there was no sign of the said girl. Mitsuya still kept up his hopes and continued his wait.

Eventually the fireworks started at sharp 12 and still, Y/n wasn't there.

Right after the fireworks stopped, rain came pouring again for the second time that day.

"Looks like she isn't coming" Mitsuya stared at the ground, smiling through the sadness.


Reminder Y/n is 14 in this chap and so is Mitsuya.

Also couldn't post this earlier since i was busy with school.

Also do tell me if you figured out what anime I referenced the chapter to.

Have a great day/night ¡¡


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