Stage 16

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"Bahah you really can't be planning on being DRAKEN's bodyguard" Y/n started cutting the vegetables for her breakfast, which consisted of fried rice

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"Bahah you really can't be planning on being DRAKEN's bodyguard" Y/n started cutting the vegetables for her breakfast, which consisted of fried rice.

"Well it's the only choice I've got," he replied.

"I don't think he needs a bodyguard though" sizzling sounds were heard, as she added the chopped garlic to the hot oil.

"I'm going to follow them around for a day and make sure there's no internal conflict" he ended the call.

"Ugh men" she finally added her rice to the rest of the cooking ingredients, tossing them while she was at it.

Eventually, her meal for the day was done and she sat down at the table.

Y/n lived alone, no one else to support her. Her parents were all the way in Osaka.

She picked up her spoon to start on her food. Just as she was about to take a bite, her phone rang. She answered it and instantly regretted it. It was the same person from yesterday, her kidnapper.

"Hi chibi chan" he said with a cheery voice.

"What do you want Hanemiya and how did you even get my number?" She stuffed the rice inside her mouth.

"How mean Chibi chan, you don't even say hi to me. Kazutora is sad." he replied with a forced sad tone.

"That's too bad" she grabbed her plate and put it in the sink for later. The tap let out a gruntle before it spluttered water.

"Call me Kazutora and it'll make me happy"


"It was worth a try."

Suddenly while on her call with Kazutora, she got another incoming call from Takemichi.

"Hanemiya don't call me again or I'll call the police on you" she figured that was the best way to get rid of the dude.

"But chibi chan-" he tried to retort but his voice was cut out by Y/n ending the call.

She then picked up Takemichi's call.

"Wassup, did your bodyguard mission end in failure?"


"I knew it, wait for me I'm coming." she sighed.


"So might telling me why I have a moustache and glasses for a disguise?" she questioned him, taking a sip of her drink

"It was the best I could do in a short amount of time and keep your voice down" he shushed her.

They were currently sitting at a fast food restaurant, spying on Mikey and Draken. Both spies sat a few tables behind their prey, observing silently.

"What the hell man, someone's gonna pay for this" Mikey complained, tossing his head back.

"There's no flag. I only get excited over the kid's meal when there's a flag" he pouted, crossing his arms.

Both Y/n and Takemichi sweat dropped when they saw it.

The poor waiter kept apologising until Draken whipped out a coloured flag and stuck it on Mikey's kids meal. Mikey then slammed his hands on the table excitedly.

"I don't think they're gonna fight anytime soon" Y/n slurped more of her diet coke.

"That's it, I've had enough" Mikey's voice was heard again but this time, the idiot fell asleep.

"Would you stop falling asleep right after you eat?" Draken said as he picked up Mikey and carried him on his back.

"This is the commander of Toman?" She questioned Mikey's authority.

"Don't say that in front of him please or we will end up dead. Now come on, we need to catch up to them" Takemichi grabbed her by the hand and dragged her away from her precious diet coke.

They followed the pair to the hospital, where they apologised to the victim of Moebius. From there Y/n realised something, Draken was the heart of Mikey. Without Draken, Mikey can't realise his own emotions.

They really needed to save the bean sprout.


What do you think of all the chapters so far? I found this one very lackluster but eh it iz what it iz.


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