Stage 7

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"Your friend can't be seriously fighting Kiyomasa's people" Y/n leaned against the wall, crossing her arms

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"Your friend can't be seriously fighting Kiyomasa's people" Y/n leaned against the wall, crossing her arms.

It was break time, students could be seen running around. Takemichi was currently having a drink from the fountain.

"He has no choice, they'll kill him if he doesn't. Don't worry I will find a way out of this" he finished his final drops and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"If you say so, I'll be there to watch" she stood properly.

"Thanks Y/n" he showed a little smile and went to catch up after his friends.

"I don't know what Hinata sees in him"


Most delinquents were gathered in the courtyard a bit further from school. This clearly indicated a gang fight approaching. Y/n slipped a hoodie over her uniform, over herself and clasped the hood on.

She then walked over to the courtyard to see what was going on. The boys were really tall so Y/n had to stand on her tiptoes.

Suddenly the crowd started shouting "Give him death". Kiyomasa was currently holding Takemichi by the collar, while delivering punches using the other hand. His previous cuts and bruises were all open again.

"Shit he needs help" she whispered trying to make her way through the large crowd. Just when she was about to enter the ring, Takemichi started screaming.

"If you want to win, you have to kill me first. I ain't gonna lose"

'Is he crazy? He can't seriously plan on taking on Kiyomasa' she thought.

"Alright then, get me my bat. I'll kill you today" Kiyomasa signalled to one of his underlings.

"Oi Kiyomasa" she shouted, making everyone at the place look at her.

The crowd started to whisper among themselves.

"Why is Suzuki sama here?" they all wondered. It was already unusual for a girl to be here, let alone, one of the most famous ones.

She then ran up to the burly dude and prepared for a fight. She raised one leg and air kicked Kiyomasa, connecting her foot with his jaw.

She mentally thanked herself for deciding to wear shorts under her skirt today.

Y/n was sure she heard a crack but it wasn't enough so she delivered another kick, this time in his gut.

He receded, coughing up some blood"

Satisfied of her skills, she stepped back to help Takemichi up. Just when she was about to speak up, someone else did instead.

"Hey Kiyomasa, you're scaring the crowd" a boy with braided blonde hair and a shaved head walked towards them. He also had a dragon-like tattoo on the side.

People started whispering. "Hey, that's the vice commander of Toman, Ryuguji Ken. AKA DRAKEN"

"Huh Draken?" Y/n thought to herself. Behind the said boy was another blonde boy, he had luscious long hair.

"Hey Ken-chin, I'm out of Dorayaki" he dusted off the crumbs from his face.

Takemichi and Y/n just looked at each other, totally confused, when everyone in the crowd started bowing one by one.

"Good day sir!"


Ooh Mikey's officially coming ¡¡


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