Stage 48

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Petals of pink rode the wind with grace, passing through the female's delicate hair strands

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Petals of pink rode the wind with grace, passing through the female's delicate hair strands.

It was spring again, the Cherry Blossom trees started their yearly shedding.

Those weren't the only things shedding though.

The tears of the female glided with the petals as she watched the arrival of a long beloved friend.

The sun glistened onto the sign of the building in front of her.

"Tokyo Juvenile Detention Centre"

It had been nine years since she last saw him.

Nine whole years but their feelings remained the same.

His hair had grown out, much like Baji's, except the side strands were tainted with yellow hair dye. His height stretched out even more and his body more muscular.

"Being black and blue over, we shed tears again and again." The female started, hoping the male would continue.

"By laying our unstable hearts on the shoulders of each other" The male continued, walking towards her.

"We fought against the depraved bad ending" Both of them finished the line together.

"We fought against the depraved bad ending" Both of them finished the line together

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"Kazutora..." she whispered, tears already welling up.

"You called my name and I'm here" he smiled, gently lifting his arms.

Y/n immediately raced forwards, leaving behind a trail of tears. She landed right into his arms, like a damsel in distress.

"I've missed you my princess" he caressed her hair with utmost delicacy.


"OI KAZUTORA HOLD THE FUCKING LADDER PROPERLY" Y/n wobbled on trembling ladder as she tried to balance herself. Kazutora was supposed to stabilize it but he clearly wasn't helping a bit.

"I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE" he used his foot to finally stabilize the ladder which had been hanging on for dear life.

Well apparently, he was late as the bucket of cream paint fell on top of Kazutora, drenching his clothes and hair with it.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now