Stage 8

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Y/n and Takemichi were the only ones still standing while the rest still bowed

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Y/n and Takemichi were the only ones still standing while the rest still bowed.

The shorter person started walking towards them first, with the taller one following behind. The shouts of the crowd still kept on one by one.

They first approached Kiyomasa who bowed. "Good day, sir" he said before getting kicked in the gut, once again, this time by the dude called Draken.

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king?" Draken said. Y/n couldn't focus on their conversation for long as the other male was approaching them.

The blonde closed up the gap between Y/n and himself, their faces centimeters apart. She could feel his breath on her face; he came in closer, their noses touching.

Y/n's mind could not comprehend the situation so she did the best she could muster up, kicking him.

She landed a kick on his stomach, not too hard or soft, just right. The male staggered back, but seemed unaffected nonetheless.

The crowd let out a gasp, surprised by her attack.

"Mikey!" Draken exclaimed.

But this so-called Mikey chuckled, instead of being angry.

"Is this guy insane?" Y/n pointed at Mikey and asked Takemichi who begged her to shut up and not do anything. He was worried for his life and hers.

"Hey, what are both of your names?" 'Mikey' walked up towards them again.

"Hanagaki Takemichi and her name is Suzuki Y/n" Takemichi stuttered.

"Yo" Y/n raised one hand in greeting.

There was a pause before Mikey spoke up again.

"I see. So Takemitchy and Chibi-chin"

"Huh" both Takemichi and Y/n said together, confused.

"That's what Mikey said. Are you both deaf?" said Draken from behind.

Mikey then used both his hands to grab each of their heads and brought them closer to his face. His next question sent shivers down Y/n's spine.

"Are you both...really in high school? Takemitchy and Chibi chin, starting today, you both are my friends" he smiled.

Those eyes... they held no malicious intent, they seemed kind in fact but something about his words didn't set right with her. Y/n had a feeling there was something else going on.

He then let go of their heads and walked towards Kiyomasa and hit up right in the jaw. It must have hurt really badly as Mikey was wearing geta. (Japanese Sandals)

He then continued on his way, as if nothing happened.

"Scram all of you" Draken shouted, and that was the last heard from them.

Y/n stared at them walking down the path, she was intrigued to say the least.


"Ouch" Takemichi exclaimed as Y/n took care of his wounds.

She dabbed a cotton ball into some antiseptic and rubbed it on his open injuries.

"Shut up, if you don't clean these wounds then you might get an infection and I don't wanna see Hina crying so bear with it." she scolded, finishing off with her final wound.

"WOW Y/N-SAMA, YOU'RE SO TALENTED. PLEASE MARRY US" Takemichi's friends Yamagishi and Makoto's eyes shined with admiration.

"Absolutely" she smiled before continuing "Not"

"Cut it out you both" Akkun bonked their head with his fist, making them scream in pain.

"Thanks Sendou" she gave a small smile to Akkun, who started blushing.

She then turned towards Takemichi.

"I'll be leaving now, take care of yourself" she told him. Takemichi gave her a nod.

She then took off, with her bag in hand.


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