Stage 29

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"I don't know him, I don't know him" Y/n shielded herself with one hand as she walked 6 metres away from Takemichi

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"I don't know him, I don't know him" Y/n shielded herself with one hand as she walked 6 metres away from Takemichi.

Apparently, the neighbourhood got hold of the news that Takemichi saved Toman.

So in honour of this, Takemichi put on some stand out clothes, specifically embarrassing ones.

They were on their way to go meet Draken at the hospital.


After reconciling with Draken, Takemichi decided it was time for them to go back to the present.

So she went back to her house to spend the rest of her time there before the shift.

Engrossed in her phone, Y/n didn't quite look where she was heading. While she was at the correct place, she bumped into an unexpected person.

"Watch where you're goin-" she turned her gaze from her phone to the culprit.

"You bitch don't tell me what to do when you're at fault" the unmistakable voice of Baji. She started to dread it when she heard it.

Along with Baji stood a male of average height and blonde hair.

¿Deja vu perhaps? But Y/n was sure the blonde and her had crossed paths before.

"Oh it's you, Edward Cullen and your new bestie" she eyed them both. "Are y'all stalking me? Maybe that's why you're here at my house"

Baji looked like he was about to pounce on the girl for making such accusations.

Though he restrained himself as there was a favour he needed to ask the girl.

"For your information lady, we live here" He clenched his teeth trying his best not to get angry.

"Mhm sure now please let me go. I've got stuff to do"

Just as she was about to leave, the blonde grabbed her hand.

"If you don't mind, um... could you tutor us? We heard you were smart and wanted to ask you earlier but Baji has too big of an ego to ask" he asked her in the politest way he could.

 could you tutor us? We heard you were smart and wanted to ask you earlier but Baji has too big of an ego to ask" he asked her in the politest way he could

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