Stage 30

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It was an extremely clement day but occasionally a gentle cool breeze flew in

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It was an extremely clement day but occasionally a gentle cool breeze flew in. It was as if the weather was mourning too.

Gloomy was an understatement, dreadful was more like it. After all their hard work, she slipped through their fingers.

All of Hina's relatives arrived at the venue with Naoto and Y/n sitting in front.

Y/n wore a black dress that reached her knees matched with a white necklace.

Her eyes were already sore from crying all night, but they were still ready to weep again.

Her picture sat at the altar, smiling like always.

Countless numbers of dark, sorrowful humans took their turn to pray for their lost one. Until it was finally Takemichi's turn.

He came up and bowed for an unusual amount of time before clasping his hands together. Again, he stood there for a long time.

That was the last straw.

Y/n felt her tears brimming her eyes.

She felt her knees crumple, then she was slumped on the floor.





Nothing could change the wretchedness in her heart.

Seeing her bawling, Naoto started shedding tears as well.

He bent down to support her with one arm and gave it a squeeze.


"I'm going to be the top of Toman" Takemichi boosted with determination.

After the funeral service, the trio gathered outside to discuss their future plans.

"Don't say idiotic stuff like that" Naoto put his head on one hand.

"No he's right, if it means doing the impossible to save Hina. We will gladly do it. Besides this idiot has me, there's nothing he can't do" she teased, lifting the atmosphere.

"That's pretty idiotic of you both but, Thank you. I feel so dumb for being depressed. You both are so stupid" said Naoto.

At first Y/n thought he was saying something related to gratitude so she gave him a smile until he continued.

"You're such a snarky dude Naoto" She turned on her heels and started walking away from them.

"Hey wait for us" both black-haired males tried to catch up with the girl.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now