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Chibi Revengers // Extra pt1

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Chibi Revengers // Extra pt1.

"Y/n sama let's go to the beach" Yamagishi pulled one of Y/n's hands towards him.

"Yes Y/n sama, it's so hot outside. Plus it'll be fun with all of us there" Makoto pulled the other hand.

Takemichi's friends had decided to take a trip to the beach. Though they didn't want to go alone or they had another motive in mind. Whatever the case might be, Y/n didn't want any part in it.

All four of them started prostrating in reverence.

"PLEASE Y/N SAMA" They begged.

They were currently in the middle of broad daylight, right at the entrance of the school.

Y/n crossed her arms and tapped her foot, contemplating on her options.

"Fine but only if Hina and Emma can come too" she sighed, wanting to get this whole thing done with.



"Sorry to drag y'all into this" Y/n apologised to her two friends.

"It's fine, besides it's a great opportunity" both of them gave her an evil, condescending look.

"What do you mean by opportun-" before her sentence could be finished, she was dragged away to another place.


"Y/n, you look amazing" Emma clasped her hands together, eyes sparkling as she gazed at Y/n.

They were currently in the changing room near the beach. Emma and Hina had already changed into theirs and were waiting for Y/n to finally come out in hers.

Both wore two pieces, Emma's being a bright, sunny yellow and Hina's being light magenta.

They forcibly got her to buy a bikini, which she reluctantly agreed with her f/c.

"Yeah I'm going to wear a jacket over it"


Once the girls were out, they gazed to find that the number of boys had tripled.

"OI YOU IDIOTS COME HERE" Y/n yelled to Takemichi and his friends.


"W-well I told Mikey kun that we were going to the beach and he wanted to tag along. When the rest of Toman heard, they wanted to join too" Takemichi faltered under the intense glare of Y/n.

"OI CHIBI CHAN" Mikey ran towards where Y/n stood, with Draken in tow.

Their chests were exposed to the sun, Chiseled abs gleaming with sweat.

Draken went ahead to talk with Emma while Takemichi conversed with Hina.

"Chibi chan, what's with the jacket?" Mikey questioned, pointing at it.

"Yeah it's like a bazillion degrees outside, lose it will ya?" The voice of Baji entered.

"I think she should keep it on if she feels uncomfortable" Mitsuya joined the conversation.

"Yes whatever makes Y/n chan happy" Smiley held his smile.

"NO IT WON'T BE A PROPER BEACH DAY WITHOUT IT. I SAW IT IN A DISNEY MOVIE ONCE." Mikey hung his hands on Y/n's shoulders, pouting like a child.

" Mikey hung his hands on Y/n's shoulders, pouting like a child

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It would be a lie if she said she wasn't insecure of her body. She had body dysmorphia, which meant she kept on worrying about her appearance. People often complimented her about it, but she still kept on overthinking about it.

Eventually, she decided to accept her body. Ignoring its flaws and focusing on its positives. Though Y/n was set on achieving her ideal type, she was taking her time, doing it in a healthy way.

"Ugh, you're so annoying, fine" She took the jacket off, letting it fall to the ground.

Upon release, all the boys had blushes dusting their faces.

The swimsuit was very form fitting, hugging her every curve. Put all together, it looked so serene.

Y/n couldn't see their blushes though as she was blinded by a flash of light.

"Was that the sun or...?" she asked herself before dismissing the other possibility.

In fact, it wasn't the sun, instead it was the flash of a camera.

Far from where they stood, two boys sat under the shade of an umbrella.

"I hate Mikey but at least he got her to take off that jacket" Kazutora aimed another picture at Y/n.

He had been trying to get the perfect shot of Y/n in her bikini.

"Quit it will you? They're gonna spot us" Hanma smacked the camera away from Kazutora, grumbling.

"But she's just so beautiful, I need more. More and more" he drooled at the sight of her entering the sea.


Y/n splashed water at Hina as they started playing amongst each other.

Mikey was squatting right behind them, on the sand part.

He was staring intensely at the girl, so much so that she felt it.

"Why do you keep staring at my legs?" she tried to hide her thighs with her hands.

"They're wonderful. I want them to sandwich me. Specifically my face" he rested his arms on his legs.

At his comment, Y/n turned deep crimson . She was flustered, trying to speak.

Mikey then realised what he had said and prepared for impact as Y/n had brought her fist down to his face.


Hiiii bbs !!

This is part 1 of the extra story chapters, part 2 will be on Monday. So no chapter on Saturday.

Also the Bunny Girl Senpai reference wink wink

Have a great day/night !!


𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now