Stage 34

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The crowd split in the center to make way for the new 3rd division captain

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The crowd split in the center to make way for the new 3rd division captain. Kisaki Tetta.

Beads of sweat ran down both their foreheads as they tried to comprehend Mikey's words.

Trembling, Y/n clutched onto Takemichi's sleeve initiating the flashbacks.

This is the same person who killed Hina 2 times. She won't forgive him, not after what he has done.

Though he deserved death, hurrying was a brash decision. In order to convey her thoughts, she looked towards Takemichi, tears in her eyes.

But his figure was missing.

Facing back to the podium, Y/n saw Takemichi run up to Kisaki and punch him in the face.

She could see his skin being pushed back by the impact of Takemichi's fist. His gold bordered glasses fell onto the floor.

The captains erupted into shouts at Takemichi's attack while the crowd remained confused.

"OI, YOU AIN'T EVEN IN TOMAN, SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Draken angrily roared at him.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" Mitsuya stepped onto the podium with the same expression as Draken.

Mitsuya was mad like actually mad, that's when you know shit is about to go down.

In order for Takemichi to not end up as ugly as Kisaki, Y/n raced to his defense. Guarding him with her hands acting as a shield.

Mikey, who had their back turned on them,

"HE HAS A REASON FOR THIS" she screamed in protest.


Just as she was about to answer, another contender had stepped into the ring.

"Nanda Nanda" Baji waltzed in with his hair untied and his teeth looking sharp as ever.

"This looks entertaining" He examined everyone there.

"Hey, you're not allowed here" Mucho's deep voice growled at Baji.

This went unheard by Baji as he was focused on something more important.

He spotted Y/n still guarding Takemichi, with a determined look on her face.

He stepped towards them and grabbed Y/n by the hand, taking her in a chokehold.

When she was tucked into his elbow, he glanced at Mikey's direction, who still was viewing things from the side

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When she was tucked into his elbow, he glanced at Mikey's direction, who still was viewing things from the side.

Baji then used his canines to bite softly onto Y/n's ear. He bit enough so that it wouldn't cause any bleeding.

She was startled for a while but snapped out of it when Baji kept on hitting Takemichi with his one free hand. He still had his grasp when he punched on both cheeks and gut, drawing blood.

"TAKEMICHI" Y/n struggled, but it was no use. He was just too strong.

Baji finally let go when he heard her voice.

He then faced Mikey again.

"What are you doing Baji, you are not allowed here because of a certain fight, remember?" Mikey spoke in his monotonous voice.


Baji then grinned widely.

"From now on, Baji Keisuke is an Enemy of Toman" He announced to the entire gang.

He let go of Y/n, who coughed a bit, then dragged her by her hands.

Y/n was still confused as to what was going on so she didn't raise any objections, until Mikey spoke up.

"Leave her behind Baji" Mikey warned him, urgency in his tone.

"Tch fine, so protective. See you later bitch" he waved off into the distance.


The noise of crickets was the only sound resonating around them. The moon shone brightly despite it being early in the night.

Mikey and Y/n were currently seated on the first step.

"You both really don't like Kisaki right?" Mikey smiled, looking directly at her.

"I feel loathe is a better word" she responded, folding her legs.

"Building an organisation is hard, you know? You bring new blood and the old leave" Mikey started.

"Toman had five founding members. Me, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah chin and Baji. We created Toman together. I really like him, you know, that's why I have a favour to ask." The mood seemed to have shifted to a serious one.

"Chibi chan, bring back Baji from Valhalla from me. You both seem already acquainted. So will you do it for me?" he questioned her.

Y/n immediately stood up, her jacket swaying with the wind, along with her hair.

"I will, but in return I have a favour to ask too. Kick that ass Kisaki out of Toman. He's bad news" she bawled her fists.

"Toman's going to need his strength in the future when we butt heads with Valhalla, but"

Mikey stood up and walked right up to her face. He closed the distance between them, their noses touching.

His breath trickled the upper lip of hers.

"If you bring him back, I'll kick Kisaki out but if you don't.." He grabbed her nape.

"I'll kill you" he threatened her.

Though she knew Mikey was perfectly capable of doing that, she wasn't fazed a bit.

"Sheesh I thought you were going to kiss me or something. So much for a first romantic kiss" she sighed before directly looking at him.

He was extremely startled by this as she saw his act dropping.

"I'm THE Y/n, I'm going to bring him back. Just you wait" she smirked at him.

Chuckling at her behaviour, Mikey stepped back before calling out someone's name.


An embarrassed Mitsuya stepped out.

Well, that makes two of them.

Y/n was also fuming from the previous act.

"I was looking for the washroom when I saw you both talking" He scratched his neck and came forward

"Perfect timing. Mitsuya, I'm gonna have Takemitchy and Chibi chan join your second division" He smiled with his eyes closed.

"SERIOUSLY?" She jumped up and down with excitement.

She then faced Mitsuya with a mischievous grin.

"CAPTAIN" She engulfed him in a hug, who started panicking.

"Hey get off him" Mikey pulled her shirt, with an irk mark on him.

"No no I actually like this" Mitsuya responded.

This went on for a couple of minutes with Mikey still acting without realising why.

Until it was finally time to go.

On her way, Y/n spotted some sort of charm.

On a closer inspection it turned out to be a photo.


I wrote this during exam week so I didn't have time to edit it and I'm too lazy to do it now. So sorry for the mistakes !!


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