Stage 13

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"I'm ugh, I'm here" Y/n huffed as she made her way to the two males who stood in front of a hostess club

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"I'm ugh, I'm here" Y/n huffed as she made her way to the two males who stood in front of a hostess club. They patiently waited for her so they could enter.

"THEN LET'S GO, COME FOLLOW ME" Takemichi wobbled inside. Y/n and Naoto both shared disappointed faces, as they followed him inside.

The entire club was magnificent, it looked so alluring. Giant chandeliers hung from the pristine ceiling. The place seemed to resemble a treasure vault. In the middle stood a host, no older than they were.

The host had light brown hair, tied up by a hair tie. He just stared at him like he was a nuisance.

"We're here for Sendo, we have an appointment with him. '' Takemichi tried to stop himself from drooling because of the beautiful girls that stood in a line.

However the host wasn't listening to Takemichi as he got on knee in front of Y/n, with tears in his eyes.

"Uhh Hi?" was all she could say, totally confused by what was going on.

"Please mademoiselle, join our hostess club. Your presence here would be very appreciated here." he took her hand and kissed it, making Y/n disgusted at the sight.

This made Naoto twitch as he pulled Y/n by the shoulders, away from the dude.


After some negotiating and confirming, plus Naoto's staring, they finally made it to Sendo.

They were seated in a lounge, with well leathered sofas.

Takemichi was visibly shaking while Naoto tried calming him down. Eventually, he settled down and took deep breaths.

To be honest, even Y/n was a tiny bit anxious about meeting an old friend after so long.

"Takemichi" a deep voice growled. As soon as he heard those words, Takemichi got up.

"Behind you, genius" the voice said again.

The trio then faced themselves towards the source.

It was Sendo.

His once long hair had now been chopped off into a buzz cut. His hands were covered in tattoos and his cheeks had sunk into his face. He looked intimidating but Y/n still saw the same old Akkun inside.

"Y/n, you're here too. Looks like you both haven't changed at all" he gave them a close eyed smile.

"I was waiting for you both to show up. If it's possible, could me and Takemichi talk in private" he got up and trudged towards them.

Takemichi asked for confirmation from Naoto to which he firmly nodded.

"Be careful" Y/n said as she sat back down.

"Don't worry"

And off they went to the roof. This left Y/n and Naoto alone together.

"Soo mind telling me about your love life" she smirked at Naoto, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No... I don't have time for that" he smacked his hand on her face, not wanting her to see his blush.


"The person who pushed you onto the tracks was me." Sendo stated as he turned to face Takemichi.

Wind blew between them as Takemichi tried to comprehend what he had just said.

"Huh?" was all he could say.

"It should've killed you, but someone saved you. That person was Tachibana Naoto! It was like he knew you were going to fall on the tracks." Sendo said

"This probably sounds insane but, you can travel to the past, can't you? YOU WENT BACK TO THE PAST AND TOLD HIM TO SAVE YOU, DIDN'T YOU?" Sendo started screaming and shaking Takemichi by the shoulders.

"But you could never kill anyone, Akkun. You were kind, reliable-" He was interrupted before he could finish.

"I'm scared,Takemichi, scared of Kisaki Tetta. I'm part of his gang now. I haven't even seen Mikey in years now. Everyone in Toman has to obey Kisaki."

Akkun clenched his teeth and looked up at the sky.

"Mikey changed after Draken died"

"Draken died??" Takemichi stuttered.

Akkun then got up and stood at the ledge of the building.

"Please save Y/n, Takemichi. Kisaki is going to go after her soon, she was one of the people Mikey loved the most. Please go back to the past and fix this"

Tears could be seen in his eyes as he stepped closer to the edge.

"DON'T DO IT AKKUN" Takemichi tried to reach for him, but all in vain as Akkun had already jumped off.


Takemichi's eyes widened and he started crying as well as he went to go see where his once beloved friend, fell.


"The one who turned Toman evil was Kisaki Tetta" Takemichi cried into his hand while sitting at the foot of the stairs.

The police had arrived, courtesy of Naoto. They quickly surrounded the area.

"Y/n you need to get out of here." Takemichi continued.

She was sitting right next to him. Trying her best to console him

"Huh why?" she questioned, looking at him.

"Kisaki Tetta is coming after you, he's the one who killed Hina and now he's coming after you" he looked at her with fear.

"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving you both to handle this alone. Besides, we are time travel buddies aren't we" she reached for a fist bump.


"No buts I'm not going anywhere, plus I can protect myself " She reassured him.


"On August 3rd, Ryuguji Ken will die, all you guys have to do is save him. This is your mission this time. If we save Draken then we save all of them" Naoto concluded his research.

They were back at his apartment, brainstorming possible solutions.

"Alright then we will be off then" Takemichi directed towards Y/n

"Wait let me do something first" She immediately got up from her seat and ran towards Naoto.

She engulfed him in a hug, squeezing him like there's no tomorrow.

"Looks like we will be gone for a long time. Just wanted some reassurance" she gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek.

"Ight let's go then"

Naoto faltered for a bit but kept his cool.

"Good luck you both"

The pair shook hands while Y/n smiled.

They were so close to saving everyone.


𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now