Stage 15

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Mikey was in front of the line, he was shirtless and just had his clothes unbuttoned

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Mikey was in front of the line, he was shirtless and just had his clothes unbuttoned. Y/n had to stop herself from drooling.

She followed behind Takemichi with Baji behind her, still throwing her disgusted glances.

She just responded by sticking her tongue, which made Baji even more pissed.

They walked through bowing gang members, but she could still hear their whispers.

"Why's there a girl here?"

"She's pretty hot, do you think we stand a chance?"

"Shut up, if the commander hears you, he will kill us all"

Mikey then made his way on top of the platform while the others stood on the side at the bottom.

Y/n examined her surroundings until her eyes landed on one particular member.

She hadn't noticed him before, but there he was, giving off a kinder aura than everyone else. He had silver-lilac hair, and wore one earring on his left ear.

When they locked eyes, Y/n quickly looked away. She had a feeling she knew him from somewhere. Ugh 'I hate Deja Vu' she thought.

"We're gathered today to talk about Moebius. If they go against us, there will be a big conflict." Mikey addressed all his fellow members.

She and Takemichi were perplexed by the entire situation.

'Is this the same conflict that will kill Draken?' both simultaneously thought.

All of a sudden, Takemichi was kicked onto the floor by someone.

"You're Takemitchy and Chibi chin right? Heard you both took care of Kiyomasa" a burly person with a tuft of blonde hair said.

Y/n instantly helped Takemichi right up then she stepped close to the person.

"If he lost by a single kick then he truly is weak" she smiled.


"Cut it out, Pah chin. You both don't get the situation so keep your mouth shut dipshits" The lilac haired dude came up in their defense.

"Don't mind them both, they're pissed off right now" he put a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"One of his men got into conflict with Moebius, so they beat him and raped his girlfriend right in front of them. Pah wants revenge and that's why Mikey called this meeting"

"WE'RE GOING TO CRUSH MOEBIUS" Mikey screamed, raising his fist in the air. This meant war, Y/n was certain this was the conflict Draken was going to die in.

The meeting was then over with everyone dispersing into their own scheduled activities.

Even Takemichi had said his goodbye to Y/n.

But she decided to stay behind, until it was only Mikey and her.

"Hmm you didn't leave, so is there something you want to ask me?" Mikey sat at the foot of the stairs.

"Mikey, do you believe in Fate? Destiny?" She stood next to him, looking up at the stars.

"Of course I do, If it wasn't for fate, we wouldn't have met. As for destiny, I believe that anyone can change their own destiny. After all, that's why you're here, aren't you?" He smiled at her.

A breeze kicked in as Y/n tried to comprehend his words. He can't possibly have known? No that's absurd, no one knows about this.

His expression then turned serious.

"You can't join the fight against Moebius. It's something Toman should handle alone" his face then turned back to his old childish grin.

In reality, Y/n was thinking the exact thing. She thought she could interfere with the fight in order to stop Draken dying. But somehow Mikey had her already figured out.

"Come, let me drop you at your house"

"Uhh you sure I won't fall?" she stepped onto his bike.

"Trust me Chibi chin. I've got this, I only got into accidents like uhh" he started counting on his fingers.

Y/n just facepalmed, as he finally displayed the numbers. He held up a 1 on his right hand and a 5 on his left.

"Is that 6 or 15?" she questioned, feared for her life.

"Oh I meant 51. But if it makes you feel better, you can assume it as 15" he sat on the front seat of the bike.

"THAT DOES NOT HELP. Can I walk?" but she was too late as he had already started the engine. Taking off to the streets.

She clutched his stomach as tight as she could and closed her eyes.

"Trust me on this Chibi chin. Look up, the stars are bright tonight" he raised his voice over the noise on the road.

Y/n decided to trust his words and looked up. Indeed the stars looked very illuminating.

They seemed to relay a message to her, a message saying, everything will be alright.


I'm posting tmws chapter early cause I'll be busyy

Have a great day/night ¡¡


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