Stage 39

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Y/n felt like she was hit by a bullet

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Y/n felt like she was hit by a bullet. Her eyes were widened, her mouth hanging open. Her heart started beating loudly, all other sounds were muffled.

"You're kidding right?" she softly chuckled, moving back. It couldn't be possible, Baji hated her. Despised her, loathed her. Then why was he saying those words right now?

Y/n's feelings, how can she phrase it? They're very conflicting and confusing. The concept of love simply doesn't exist in her world.

She used to get confessions all the time in high school, they were all rejected. She didn't know them well enough, but what about Baji?

What is love?


She could actually see tears in his eyes when she realised he was joking around.

"YOU BASTARD. I KNEW IT" She jammed her foot onto his face, crushing it in the process.

"GET OFF ME WOMAN" he tried to push her away, but ultimately failed.

"APOLOGISE" she scolded him.

"NEVER" he finally managed to flip her back onto the floor but she wouldn't give up easily.

Y/n then bit one of his hands causing him to yelp in pain. Baji stumbled backwards but didn't back down.

It was gonna be a long day


"Come back to Toman" she said walking out the door. Bandages were plastered on both of their faces, from the scratches they gave each other. Y/n had pink ones while Baji had black ones. Well at least they matched.

"No" he slammed the door right on her face.

"Tsk, rude." she started walking away and onto a new destination.

"How is she this dumb?" Baji ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'll keep on confessing if it means it goes through her thick, dumb skull"


"Hey Shinchiro san. You're probably wondering who I am? Well I'm your idiotic brothers friend." Y/n placed flowers near the headstone of the grave, squatting down.

She was currently in the local cemetery, figuring it was where Mikey's older brother was buried.

"Taking care of Mikey is like taking care of a child" she laughed lightly before clasping her hands together. "Please watch over us. I promise that I'll save everyone"

She then felt rain pouring down. Droplets falling on the Sano family grave and her, that is until she was shielded by the cover of an umbrella.

Looking up she saw Mikey standing with a clear umbrella, tilting it forward. When their eyes connected, Y/n suddenly felt a new awakening.

"So you found out about my brother?" Mikey squatted in the same position as Y/n.

"Mikey I-" she tried to discuss the incident that led to his death but was silenced by Mikey. He put one finger against her lips.

"I know it's not their fault, but my heart can't accept it" he sighed, staring directly at the grave. The gloomy atmosphere of the grave just worsened as the rain got heavier.


"Y/n I have something to say" he fixed his gaze towards Y/n. They looked dead to Y/n, no longer filled with the childish charm they once held.

The wet wind blew their hair, flowing gently. The pattering of rain was the only sound heard.

Mikey then tucked a strand of hair behind Y/n's ear. He gently caressed the ear before pulling on it. It was the same ear that Baji had marked on.

"OUCH OUCH. WHAT ARE YOU DOING" She cried in pain, trying to release herself from his grip.

"Get a piercing over here, so I don't have to look at that hideous mark" he pulled harder.

"OKAY OKAY I WILL I WILL" the pain was so much now that she started laughing at the whole situation.

He also joined in the laughter, finally letting go of her ear.

"Takemitchy visited earlier with Chifuyu. Saying something about becoming the head of Toman." Mikey strode towards his bike, rubbing it softly.

'I wish he could touch me the same way he touches his bike,' she thought before slapping herself. 'This is not the time for these thoughts...but his hands'

"Y/n you do know I will kill you if you don't bring back Baji right?" he said, taking a seat on his bike.

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm aware. More reason for me to get it done."

"I'm adding one more thing onto the table. Do not attend the Toman vs Valhalla fight. You already put yourself in danger by going to their hideout in the first place" he ordered her.

Though it was out of consideration, Y/n still couldn't accept it. After all, she was a part of Toman just like the others.

"I will, after all I'm the main prize aren't I? I need to be there." she proudly exclaimed.

"Are you willing to risk your life for this?" He looked at her, watching her every move.

"If it means helping you, then why not?" she smiled with her eyes closed.

"Then take this" Mikey took her hands in his and gently slipped on a ring. It was embedded with a silver butterfly. It also had tiny silver jewels speckled here and there.

In short it was basically like an engagement ring.

"This is a promise from me to you" Mikey moved back, letting go of her hand.

"I'll win you over"


Speaking of which, I passed chem but almost failed phy. Great

Also how much would you rate my book from 1-10

Have a great day/night !!


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