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Chibi revengers pt

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Chibi revengers pt.2

"Huh? You think you can beat me in volleyball?" Baji smirked, towering over Y/n.

"Oui pretty boy. All you've got is your height, though I'm small I can still mop the floor with you. I'll be the next Hinata!" she raised her fist in early triumph.

"Huh you want to be like me?" Hina slided into view, curious as to why Y/n would want to be like her.

"Not you Hina-" Y/n sweat dropped while Baji hysterically laughed.


"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP" Draken screamed into a megaphone, while standing on the lifeguards chair.


"WHY CAN'T I PLAY?!" Mikey shouted in protest. He was currently seated on the sand, crossing his legs. His face looked like the time when he didn't have a flag on his kids meal.

"Cause you have brawns for a brain" Y/n shut him down.

The captains of both teams came forward, facing each other, only the net blocking their view.

"What does the winner get?" she questioned Baji.

"Let's see, How about the classic, the loser has to do whatever the winner wants" he smirked, raising his hands for a handshake.

"You've got it, Edward" she accepted his deal.

"Team Y/n gets first serve" Draken blew his whistle.

"Alright Smiley, give us a good serve" she motivated Smiley who had his usual grin.

"You got it Y/n" He then moved towards the back line of the marked sand court.

"DIE" He ran forward, smacking the ball with his might.

The speed of the ball hadn't registered into the opposing teams mind yet. No one was there to receive the ball hence it hit right before the court line.



The match felt like it was going on for hours but the captains were still persistent.

Mikey was so bored that he fell asleep face first into the sand. Draken was worried that he might choke on the sand or get pinched by a crab.

"Give it up bitch, you can't beat me" Baji commented, receiving one of her sets.

"Never" she wiped sweat from her face, with her wrist.

Eventually the match had come to a closure as Takemichi had failed on the receive from Mitsuya's serve. Y/n's team had officially lost against Baji's team.

"Damn it" she punched the air.

"I TOLD YOU. I never lose" Baji commented at her frustrated state.

"I'll tell you my demands later" he turned on his heels and went off to somewhere else.

"Such a douche bag" regardless of what she said, she smiled enjoying the rest of her day.


[ At Kazutora's place ]

The lone, dual haired male walked into his room, slamming the door shut. He was extremely happy with the stash he had acquired today.

He set aside his camera and took out the pictures he took.

On a closer inspection, his whole room was decorated with her pictures. Hanging on the wall amongst other things.

When she was going to school, sleeping at home or on an outing with her friends. He had it all and now the new addition to his collection, beach pictures.

His personal favourite.

Just as he was about to stick them to the wall, he tripped on the knot formed on his carpet.

Falling face first on the floor, crushing his nose. The pictures littered all over the tiles.

"Fuck, this is all Mikey's fault" he cursed and got up, supporting himself.

"My beautiful Y/n's pictures almost got tainted" he smiled looking at them. He then started reminiscing about a memory.

"Look what you've done to me...I'm such a sucker for you"

"And all because you gave me a hug"


It was late evening, everyone was tired because of the morning activities. They finally dispersed around 4pm.

Mikey and Y/n were both walking towards their homes.

"Is your house the same way?" Y/n commented.

"Hey Y/n, be wary when you go out at night" he completely ignored her question, instead switching to a more serious note.

"Are you worried about me?" she stopped in front of his, contacting his eyes.

"HAHA no. I just don't want you to get a creepy stalker" he fake laughed at first then quickly shifted back.

"Don't worry, I've got a 6th sense for these types of things" she swung her bag in a swirl then continued on her way.

"You're such a kid" he followed her.

"Look who's talking" she replied

"You have zero sense of danger"

"And you start crying when you don't have a flag on your food"

"You're so dense that you don't even notice other's feelings"


"HAHAHA" he slapped her back in a joking manner.

"Sure you do."


Y'all ask why Kazutora is the yandere one here, and that's cause so far he has the most perverted thoughts. And I needed someone lmao

This book is following the plot of the anime and will end at around 60 chapters or so. It won't continue with the manga.

Have a great day/night.


𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✓ Tokyo revengersWhere stories live. Discover now